www.fintrader.net Popular currency pairs Let’s look at an example currency bet. Take the GBP currency pair again. While the pound might strengthen against the dollar over a period of a month, from 1.507 to 1.543, this is only a 36 point change. If you were trading using a financial spread betting account, at £2 per point for example, you would still only have made around £72. Luckily spread betting companies quote fractional changes to the currency rate, one decimal point further to the right. This means you might see the GBP/USD price move between 1.5442 and 1.5581 in a single day. Now you have a daily trading range of 139 points, much more attractive from a spread betting point of view. Take that out to a month, and there could be a move of 300 points or more, up or down (depending on which side of the trade you are supporting). As with other products made available by spread betting companies, currencies have spreads — in other words, the difference between the buy and sell price. They also have varying margin rates. The narrower spreads tend to be with the more liquid currencies. These are the currencies that are bought and sold in big volumes globally, also known as the currency majors. These include the US dollar, the world’s de facto reserve currency, as well as the euro, the Japanese yen, and the British pound. Amongst the other popular currencies are the Canadian dollar and the Australian dollar, which are partly driven by the prices of the natural resources


NFL Sports Betting Strategy That Works

Author : Betting on Profit

www.FootballCrusher.com – Check out the FAMOUS Football Crusher System for FREE! This video shows you an amazing NFL football betting strategy that works extremely well! Want more free tips and information? Go to http to check out the FAMOUS Football Crusher System for FREE!

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Enetpulse MinisiteX Presentation (Short)

Author : Betting on Profit

*Remember to watch in HD* Enetpulse brings you the total experience of live sports data and betting with our brand new MinisiteX! Take betting activity to a new level and create a real buzz on your betting platform with this fully hosted solution, which combines odds content with live game centers, scores, stats, betting tips, and much more. MinisiteX is a new product from market-leading sports data provider, Enetpulse, leaving you in complete control. The MinisiteX can be fully customized in your company’s look and feel and your odds can be imported straight into the Game Center setup! Visit www.enetpulse.com for more information!

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Dancing With The RebateWager Chicks

Author : Betting on Profit

bit.ly The RebateWager chicks dance out the Monday Live Show from November 29th. jjgold and bobbyfk get into the act as well, and the chicks also view a dance-off video between jjgold and SamsNCharge99 that the production team put together. What doyou think? Leave your comments below and SUBSCRIBE to our channel to receive the latest videos. Want more info? Visit bit.ly for the latest betting news. Join us NOW: Facebook: bit.ly Twitter: bit.ly Place your bets at: Bookmaker: bit.ly 5Dimes: bit.ly Bodog: bit.ly BetJamaica: bit.ly DSI: bit.ly Outside of the US bets: Pinnacle: bit.ly