Official Angry Birds walk for theme 2 levels 16-21. Available on itunes: Available on the Nokia N900:

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24 Responses to “Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 2 Levels 16-21”

  1. BabiSixxSykes Says:

    Wi! e.e

  2. mesha1718 Says:

    Stuck on 21

  3. Eposo1 Says:

    dang it 21 is hard!

  4. annaLUVzim67 Says:

    i cant do 21 🙁

  5. trigman2000 Says:

    anyone notice this guy got all 5 levels high scores

  6. metricmine Says:

    17 was a killer. The middle piggy must go first otherwise debris makes him impossible to kill. Then to get the other 2 with just one shot needs a lot of luck.

  7. stevjah Says:


  8. nherdboi Says:

    Doesn’t work for PC version. (These iPad strategies never do)

  9. coolguy123278 Says:

    got passed 21

  10. captainmike98 Says:

    I really can’t get to get to the last level in the episode. Better try that again!

  11. 247Milagros Says:

    Cant beat 21

  12. SMITEM1 Says:

    Heres the problem!!! On angry birds on google chrome, the eggs barely explode!!!!! I cant beat 2-17!!!! its impossible!!!

  13. bomb96in Says:

    Angry bird theme music

  14. TheAwesomeGirls77 Says:

    F*** F*** F*** F*** 2-21

  15. Pokeluigimon49364 Says:

    Level 16 68,300. I have a better way of doing that level.

  16. JunieHusky12 Says:

    @blackundertaker100 oh, okie then. 

  17. MattieO846 Says:

    Oh My Lordy……..*heart attack*………I Just Pass 21 after a Billion Tries….and I got 3 Stars…..
    Dang It….These Birds are going to Cause me to Drink…..Root Beer that is…. =)

  18. usaeagle100 Says:

    Angry birds sucks on droid becuz droid is so friggin slow that a 5,000 pound man could get to the finish line first. Get an Apple is better, screw you droid.

  19. blackundertaker100 Says:

    @JunieHusky12 its natural

  20. denbroncos4ever Says:

    21 is easy. 2-12 is harder.

  21. monkeyman5lol Says:

    in 20 i got 56720 beaten game maker :0

  22. JunieHusky12 Says:

    @blackundertaker100 you don’t have to be so boastful….

  23. z0mbieliever Says:

    omg fuck 21.

  24. blackundertaker100 Says:

    We win level 2-20 by a higher score than you rovio which is 55490…Suck It Up!!!

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