
How to become a millionaire

Author : Betting on Profit

Want to make money on the horses? Follow this foolproof(ish) guide.

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24 Responses to “How to become a millionaire”

  1. sofknwot Says:

    funny as fk…. nice 1

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  4. Troyster21 Says:

    He’s joking of course

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  6. pbarc552 Says:

    Hilarious! lmao!

  7. MartyHITD Says:

    are you a millionaire? no you look like you live in a slum

  8. Vicious620 Says:

    LOL this has to be a joke!!

  9. Rassamdul Says:

    Horse racing? you cant fucking live from Horse Racing, maybe if you are a jockey or a stabler.. but never betting on it… thats ignorant.

  10. customconcept Says:

    dude this guys jus lost his life savings…

  11. torreslou9 Says:

    What a wan ker

  12. yngwieisking Says:

    I’m never gonna take advice on how to become a millionaire from someone with such a gay voice. Sorry. Maybe advice on hair styling, but not more.

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  16. JeezusFUCKINGkryst Says:

    Looking up and down these comments, it astounds the stupidity of most You Tu bers.

    This is obviously just comedy! I can’t believe all the idiots commenting like this is for real. He’s laughing at you morons, just as I am.

  17. dancelifeforsure Says:

    Are his bracelets hard or the soft kind? Is he crylng forreal? It looks like he is working from a beauty salon stall.

  18. bho69 Says:

    AHHAHA “dont like to think of it as losing, just badluck”

  19. Sloey1690 Says:

    for a millionaire u dnt have a good computer ? :L

  20. OppPaul Says:

    It’s the old joke “Know how to become
    a millionaire at the track?” Start as
    a billionaire. LOL

  21. leemartino77 Says:

    this lil faggot is a liar

  22. dondalos Says:

    HAHAHA really funny!
    “Then I have to have an argument with them” xD

  23. whatbass Says:

    haha pretty funny, good comedy!

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