[Part 1/2] Becky Quick interviews Warren Buffett outside his Omaha home. Side Note: Could Buffett’s quote about betting against America apply to George Soros? Buffett talks about a variety of topics including a jobless recovery, the automakers bankruptcies, and future tax increases.

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24 Responses to “Warren Buffett: “There’s No Way You Can Bet Against America & Win” Interview with Becky Quick Part I”

  1. MrWatsurname Says:

    @veniceit1 Who said that he does not give his wealth. Just because someone is not making a public donation does not mean he is not making one. To care about yourself is not a bad thing in this world as people are only interested in themselves in this world. To make a blank general statement about billionaires that they are “heartless insiders” is a bit extreme. Lastly, there is no hell. Hell was used as a concept to keep people in line during the middle ages. It is not a real place.

  2. veniceit1 Says:

    It is so sinful for anyone to have billions of dollars while American children are impoverished and huge numbers of children are homeless and go to bed hungry every night. Evil people are very slick at putting on a false face and pretending that they care. They only care about their huge wealth and personal well being. An American billionaire is no better than a corrupt Russian billionaire. They are heartless insiders but there is one equalizer. They cannot take their ill gotten wealth to hell.

  3. RATIONALMIND001 Says:

    “I could end the deficit in 5 minutes,” he told Becky Quick. “You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.” AND LOSE ALL BENEFITS!
    Way to go Warren. Get up to the white house now!

  4. 00RoninSamurai00 Says:

    No. America is not, nor has it ever been a democratic republic. It was founded as a CONSTITUTIONAL republic, though it has become a corporatocracy.

  5. eternalperchedbird Says:

    @00RoninSamurai00 -democratic republic……….

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  7. 00RoninSamurai00 Says:

    @zebbedi Like I said. You can’t admit you are wrong. So, now you are putting words in my mouth and calling me names. I repeat, your credibility is destroyed. You may as well give it up.

  8. zebbedi Says:

    @00RoninSamurai00 Also, having a conference with a person and being photographed with them doesn’t mean that you are their blood bound sidekick in some kind of international underground conspiracy. You are making wild unsubstantiated claims about something you have no clue about. The ramblings of a mad man some might say 🙂

  9. zebbedi Says:

    @00RoninSamurai00 I’m not American so I haven’t got round to reading the constitution but I’m aware of the amendments. If you have a voting system, you have a democracy. It’s as simple as that. This is irrespective of whether your original constitution was intended to manufacture a republic or not. Like I said I’m aware of ALL of Buffett’s public investments. You don’t seem to have a point with this. Investing in GE, G-Sachs and Coca-Cola doesn’t make you some kind of illuminati tyrant.

  10. 00RoninSamurai00 Says:

    @zebbedi You are the one getting educated. You just can’t admit you are wrong. And, there was no inference. You proved your ignorance by claiming America is a democracy, when the Constitution itself proves you wrong. Furthermore, you claim to have studied Buffett’s life in “meticulous detail,” yet you know nothing about his investments in G-Sachs, Coke, and GE, which he disclosed in his 2010 shareholder report, or his photo-documented conference with JR. Your credibility is destroyed…

  11. 00RoninSamurai00 Says:

    @zebbedi For proof our country was designed as a constitutional republic and not a democracy, try reading the US Constitution, genius . And, The FACTS regarding his shareholdings that you deem too ridiculous to investigate can be found Buffett’s Annual Letter to Shareholders in 2010, straight from the horse’s mouth. I told you where to find the CFR Corporate Membership Roster. Google “Jacob Rothschild Warren Buffett” under the Images tab to find photos of WB with JR at the Conference.

  12. zebbedi Says:

    @00RoninSamurai00 Also, claiming that your assertions are 100% fact without actually witnessing them first hand is just naive. If there are a million different sources then why can’t you cite one and you are also assuming that all of these sources are credible. Even if Rothschild and Buffet were tight, how would that signal that we don’t live in a democracy? Also, I don’t need to cite any sources because I didn’t make any wild claims, I simply gave an opinion using my political knowledge.

  13. zebbedi Says:

    @00RoninSamurai00 Oh and just to educate you a little further…. By inferring that I have a lot to learn (calling me uneducated by default) and using my belief in living in a democracy as a basis for that assertion, you are administering an ad hominem attack.

  14. zebbedi Says:

    @00RoninSamurai00 I was responding to your democracy comment. I wasn’t going to respond to your other comment because it’s too ridiculous. I have studied Warrens life in meticulous detail, listening to unsubstantiated claims is a waste of my valuable time. I will leave you to your crazy ramblings in peace.

  15. 00RoninSamurai00 Says:

    @zebbedi Show me where I attacked you. You can’t, because I didn’t. And, no supporting evidence, you say??? Every one of my claims are 100% fact, and can be easily verified by a million different sources if you would simply Google the topics discussed (i.e. Buffett stockholder Goldman-Sachs, etc.). The CFR Corporate Membership Roster is on the CFR website. And, any fool that looks up the word democracy should be able to tell we don’t live in one. Where are your sources?

  16. zebbedi Says:

    @00RoninSamurai00 Wow, an uninformed ad hominem attack with no supporting evidence, examples or even a general outline of your vague conclusion. Very helpful *rolls eyes*

  17. 00RoninSamurai00 Says:

    @zebbedi I hate to tell you, but If you believe we live in a democracy you are sorely mistaken, and you have alot to learn.

  18. 00RoninSamurai00 Says:

    @zebbedi Buffett and Rothschild are tight:

    Buffett is a stockholder of Goldman-Sachs (one of the founding corporate members of the Rockefeller/Rothschild-created Council on Foreign Relations), GE (a Premium Member of the CFR), Coca-Cola (a Premium Member of the CFR), etc. He was invited to Rothschild’s estate to attend the European Economic Round Table conference in 2002. You should actually take the time to research this stuff for yourself instead of expecting people to bring info to you.

  19. LTACS Says:

    reading about Buffett is like reading about ancient history

  20. zebbedi Says:

    @97pattan Interesting point but not accurate. Yes the rich do feed on $ and invest them abroad, which is a problem. The rich won’t become too powerful, they can only gain power by influencing politicians (like the republicans) but they can’t control votes. Democracy isn’t perfect but it will always dismantle the power of those who have too much eventually. Have faith.

  21. 97pattan Says:

    @zebbedi The USA government is already doing it their way..draft more money to solve the problem. This is not solving the problem because the rich would continue to feed on those $ that the government print whenever the circulating $ dries up. Ultimately the day will come when the rich would be too big for the government to rule. By then these ppl would be too powerful for the government to say no. Your votes for a government would by then become useless.

  22. zebbedi Says:

    @TheBlackConscience You didn’t answer any of my questions. What empirical evidence do you have that Buffett has any connection to the Rothschilds? Describe the relationship between Warren Buffett and Jacob Rothschild. If all that I have studied is incorrect then what are your sources? and how are your sources so reliable? If you don’t back up what your saying with supporting facts then you’re just talking bullshit.

  23. TheBlackConscience Says:

    @zebbedi You fucking moron I meant to say Jacob Rothschild and there’s definantly a connection between the Rothschilds and buffet. theres even a picture of them standing next to Arnold Schwarzenegger. What you’ve studied is bullshit because you’re just reading what they want you to read. The Publishers arent going to put Buffets sketelon in the closet out in the open they want dumb asses like you to keep sucking his cock.

  24. zebbedi Says:

    @TheBlackConscience Unfortunately for you I happen to have studied Warren Buffett’s life in meticulous detail. So your mirage of bullshit is about to come crumbling down. Nathan Rothschild died over a hundred years ago. Secondly, there is no connection between Buffett and the Rothschild family. Thirdly, when did he ever claim to be an extreme patriot? Fourthly, Petrochina is a company of which the Chinese government is majority shareholder(like most big companies there) how is that working with?

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