January 18, 2009 / Washington, DC Venue: Lincoln Memorial Main Set: Pride, City of Blinding Lights Comments: U2 perform during WE ARE ONE, a concert marking the upcoming inauguration of US President-elect Barack Obama. Bono changes lots of lyrics during COBL, including singing ‘America’s getting ready to leave the ground.’ It’s an abbreviated version of the song, missing the bridge, likely due to time constraints. All four band members also join the ensemble sing-a-long of ‘America The Beautiful’ at the end of the concert.

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25 Responses to “U2 We Are One Obama Concert – Pride + City of Blinding Lights 1280×720 HD 720p”

  1. tempchan4comments2 Says:

    U2 did a good job, I’ve never been a big fan of them, but they sounded amazing. I am however a big fan of The Corrs, another Irish band.

  2. 007Telecasters Says:

    @halcyon0830 ok for starters, why don’t you try being president? It’s hard to please judgmental people like you who are under the illusion that one president can fix all of America’s problems in four years. Secondly, recall who sent us to Afghanistan and to Iraq and knowingly, falsely announced that Afghanistan had WMDs. Now, remember what president Obama cleared for Seal Team 6 to do; take out the leader of the nation that attacked us. Lastly, laws and acts of the United States are decided on

  3. Neil4Speed Says:

    Great performance.. not allot of U2 fans in the audience it seems lol

  4. omby66 Says:

    -let freedom ring- M.L.K speech ..his smile , powerful joy!!

  5. halcyon0830 Says:

    Obama’s Gift to US= More New Wars, Spends Trillions Corporate Bailouts, Indefinite Detentions, Loves NDAA, SOPA, FISA, Renews Patriot Act, Emergency Powers Act, Guantanamo, Secret Renditions, Tortures & Imprisons Whistleblowers, Uses WMDs, Kills Muslim Families w/ Drones, AIPAC & Israels Slave, Takes Lobbyist Cash, Police State, Warantless Wiretaps, Internet Kill-Switch, Bush Tax Cuts, No Financial Reform, No Public Option, No Transparency, Wars in Iraq Afghan Pakistan Libya Iran Somalia & Yemen

  6. halcyon0830 Says:

    Obama Accomplished= Erasing Habeas Corpus & Posse Comitatus, No Economy & Jobs, Expanded Failed Drug War, Mercenaries, Funding Terrorism & Al-Qaeda, Private Prisons, Increased Pentagon Budget by Trillions, CIA killing Americans, Lobbyists Own Washington, Deregulations by Sunstein, Oil Spill CoverUp, No Poverty Reduction, No Fed Reserve Audits, No Bush Investigations, Oil Speculation & Drilling, Corporate Subsidies, Environment Destruction, Obama’s Lawlessness, No Electoral Reform, Corrupt System

  7. tatianacanutomachado Says:


  8. iconprojects Says:

    Why the fuck dont you dummies realise when a historic moment is a historic moment…with such a short history in the USA maybe some shut mouth may be appropriate!!!

  9. ToxinalX Says:

    @gavbag1234 You do realize that this is a form of propaganda as well right ? This is not just plain music or plain pleasure.

  10. gavbag1234 Says:


    Nah man, it’s when we’re not discussing it in the comments of a U2 performance.

  11. ToxinalX Says:

    @gavbag1234 Sure. Sure. And when is that ? When Obama has been re-elected ?

  12. gavbag1234 Says:


    Buddy, I’m here because I wanted to see U2 play some songs. I have no interest in discussing America’s “steal from the poor give to the rich” themed foreign policy and Economic models.

    There’s a time and a place for all that.

  13. ToxinalX Says:

    @gavbag1234 Yes, let’s discuss the wars. Let’s discuss the poverty. Let’s discuss the debt. Let’s discuss the already too high taxes.

    There’s already been a lot of talk about “security”. Security for who ?
    What does it really mean to be brave ? Does isolationism and war make one brave ?

    Let’s discuss the very meaning of the word freedom. Do we really live in the “land of the free” ?
    – What is it more precisely that we are free *from* ?

  14. Menton5646 Says:

    “Let Freedom Ring!!
    Every Village,
    Every Hamlet,
    Every State,
    Every City!!
    Let Freedom Ring!!”

    A proud day to be a Human Being

  15. Menton5646 Says:

    @Fabrunno I think he is more interested in the Irish emigrants in the US,
    See “The (Irish) Hands That Built America” in “THe Gangs of New York”……
    a much more important subject….

  16. MateusSaraivaLeao Says:

    impressionante as mensagens dele nos shows, esse cara é demais

  17. sofuggit Says:

    @TheRockfan68 You forgot to mention the evangelicals and just uber Christians.

  18. MrBezerraeduardo Says:

    veio o bono e td de bom

  19. elle3568 Says:

    ps…………. one love! x

  20. elle3568 Says:

    im sick and tired of seeing arguing and bickering about whos good whos shit ra ra raaa, at the end of the day everyone walking this earth has their very own beliefs on everything and their god dam right to express them! At the end of the day, governors, politicians, parliament run this fucked up world and theres only us that can do something about it, no matter what rules there are to abide out there youre gonna live your life the way you want to, so stop with the frikin anger & get on with it!

  21. jshkendra Says:

    @p33bo Look at what is going on in Egypt and the rest of the middle east. Who is going to be in charge the muslim brotherhood? What are they going to do wage war with israel.

  22. comp0stable Says:

    @TheRockfan68 hey Bieber fan, why don’t you check the lyrics of the second verse? They don’t repeat “city of blinding lights” the whole time you know

  23. TheRockfan68 Says:

    Whoa, lots of jealous Republicans commenting on this video. If it bothers you all so much, don’t look at it! The only people that consider Bush a good President are/were the billionaires, millionaires, big corporations and uneducated hillbillies. So, the rest of us middle-class and poor stand together and never missed a couldn’t care less about us President. Good Riddance to him!

  24. TheRockfan68 Says:

    @comp0stable What???? The song is “City of Blinding Lights”, not lit by fireflies dumbass!

  25. p33bo Says:

    @TheAmiyakumar As much as we like to credit the biggest crap in the world, he would say things without thinking. Like the Red River flood of ’97 in Manitoba saying it as if he was there sand bagging and making a difference during a concert there. Or his Serbian comment without really knowing the facts it was the UN who started the war. The Palestinian Dream? Isn’t it getting the Israeli out of there??? Get real for real as good as it gets. Peace.

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