
A Video I Put Together About The History Between Triple H And His Sledge Hammer Please Comment

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25 Responses to “Triple H – The History Of The Sledge Hammer”

  1. SandAReviews Says:

    and this is why triple h is a bad ass

  2. TheCmpunkaddict Says:

    the wwf logo is still shown

  3. TheCmpunkaddict Says:

    this was after the name change

  4. fasdok1 Says:

    I like himhaha

  5. TheJetBlackJetPack Says:

    @comedian5264 the wheelchair was part of the storyline you idiot HHH didn’t actually put him in one

  6. MrAlexphantom Says:

    swinging on the sledge hammer , Time to play the game

  7. MrCdthoma Says:

    @comedian5264 he was in the wheel chair to further the storyline down the road he said so himself in his book, the hammer may or may not have been real since they’ve been known to use rubber one’s but either way it was not the reason hbk was in the chair

  8. 21gazz Says:

    @BCete im a fan an it does wind me up at the amount of times the word fake is used.
    i think yeah it is a good way of explaining it

  9. BCete Says:

    @21gazz i know your comment is old but that right there is a great explaining (sorry my bad english. Im DK) on what wrestling is. Instead of saying its fake.

  10. comedian5264 Says:

    @Paintinprettypictu shawn michaels went in a wheel chair, pretty sure it was a real one

  11. Paintinprettypicture Says:

    pretty sure he used a foam one when he hit shawn at Summerslam in the back.

  12. smoothkidd272k6 Says:

    @dxfanboy4005 i can tell that u just became a fan after wm17….probrably if i guess right wm20…or wm21….

  13. gokulbio Says:

    and i luv hhh..

  14. sadman109 Says:

    Can someone tell me the name of the song that starts at 0:22 ??

  15. OneManWolfPack44 Says:

    @dxfanboy4005 it was WM 17, not WM 27

  16. 21gazz Says:

    of coarse its a real sledge hammer, the trick is how its used, ive never seen trip actually swing it like a bat, he always has his left hand covering the head when he rams it at people. an when he does swing it the opponent is always on the mat an trip hits the mat while the wooden handle may or even touch his opponents body.

    wrestling is basically a live stunt show an the wwe have effected there own live stunts an ways ofdoing dangerouse menouvers an using weapons,its all for our entertainment

  17. dothequack Says:

    @dxfanboy4005 yeah, coz undertaker was bleeding like that in the PG era

  18. CMMigge Says:

    if he hits someone with it their can die -.- prob fake….but FUCK YEAH TRIPLE H!!!!

  19. tslodtslod Says:

    Triple H would bring a sledge hammer to a gun fight… and still win

  20. waelferrari Says:

    what is the song”s name please answer man any body knows ?

  21. dxfanboy4005 Says:

    wait wtf? The last clip with taker was at WM27 and this video was made in 2007?

  22. tutubrain Says:

    @sadman109 at the beginning that plays for a quick few seconds? I did a quick search as id heard it before, legendary song, its Ken Shamrocks enterance theme.

  23. XcoolzX17 Says:

    i wish triple h used the sledgehammer on taker instead of the steel chair on taker at WM. i havent seen him use it in 6 years

  24. BrianBDemaine Says:

    Say what you will about HHH…but dude has got a pretty sick signature weapon

  25. sadman109 Says:

    Can someone tell me the name of the song ? 🙂

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