
The Who – You Better You Bet

Author : Betting on Profit

The Who with You Better You Bet in 1981.


24 Responses to “The Who – You Better You Bet”

  1. CainmosniMirrored Says:

    @JORGEPSOUSA911 No she won’t. Nobody remembers any of those assholes from the show Real World. They all faded into obscurity. She will too if they cancel that horrid show or add a new cast.

  2. JORGEPSOUSA911 Says:

    Love this classic MTV stuff! I guess in 20 years, Snooki will be considered ‘classic MTV!’ How sad!

  3. shanehenning26 Says:

    happy birthday roger daltrey

  4. lkorn9150 Says:


  5. sapia67 Says:

    25 people lost the bet.

  6. 09CalvinBall Says:

    I think to a lot of Who fans this album(Face Dances) and the one after it It’s hard are looked on with scorn, which I don’t really understand. True Moon had been replaced(Which is probably where 98 percent of the criticism comes from), but there was some really decent material from both albums such as this song, Eminence Front, Cooks County, Athena, and It’s Hard

  7. MrBadintentionss Says:

    @shelleyinthecity keep working on that good karma

  8. shelleyinthecity Says:

    Not a bad song by a group of guys whose drummer died and they decided to get together in their 40’s and make some new songs.

  9. lost123456789231 Says:


  10. shedendboy1 Says:

    25 People need a slap

  11. joaoadias23 Says:

    best song ever!

  12. Cityj0hn Says:

    Awe Some

  13. gscortez Says:

    I’m a young person or whatever and I love this kind of music. Please like this and tell me I’m cool.

  14. mookuable Says:

    wow, i like a who song

  15. SnugglySara Says:

    BTW, it’s S-E-P-A-R-A-T-O-R.

  16. SamthePetrolhead Says:

    @WacJebb yeah, especially in the video where the who perform it and he jumps around seperating sausage and chips and shouting we’re running out and then pete townshend hits him and he goes ouch m evans

  17. WacJebb Says:

    the one with m evans is better than the normal one i think..

  18. joo42903 Says:

    Not the best Who song, but it has been on years as a ringtone on my mobilephone…

  19. SamthePetrolhead Says:

    @WacJebb Oh yeah, sure, you’re gonna…alkali…come all the way to where i live and hit me metals. yu dunt knu where i live. Oh, shnail, where is he?

  20. WacJebb Says:

    @SamthePetrolhead dont come cheeky or you’ll catch a slap, he HAD ABOUT 10 COKES DOWN THEREEEEEEEEE

  21. SamthePetrolhead Says:

    @WacJebb ill put you on top of christmas tree in a minute if you like, you knob. It’s a BAAAABYYYYY!

  22. WacJebb Says:

    @SamthePetrolhead shut up you stupid idiot, people like you should go back to their test scripts ouch M evans, do bah dah dah

  23. SamthePetrolhead Says:

    @WacJebb Yeah sure, im sorry about that and everything dude, but i have foundation pupils who ah-ah-ah-ah better than you

  24. WacJebb Says:

    @SamthePetrolhead no, i cant separate them because there was a FIREEE in my house, well doooone!

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