
The Small Animal Balloon Lift Gamble

Author : Betting on Profit

BANZAI – How mant balloons it take to lift chicken off ground? Place your bets now!!!

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25 Responses to “The Small Animal Balloon Lift Gamble”

  1. ForceOfHabitGaming Says:


  2. cheez4me333 Says:

    So chickens can fly?

  3. adam3088 Says:

    Hah, oh wait you’re an Aussie, well that’s even more embarassing.

    Guess that’s what you get for being descended from illiterate criminals though.

  4. nadds67 Says:

    @adam3088 what the fuck mate im not even american u fooool
    fuck of im not dyslexic

  5. adam3088 Says:


    yer cause yer liek wel fat durrhurrhurr n lok lik a big gay chikn.

    I always knew Americans were laughably bad at the English language, but aeras/aearas? Are you fucking kidding me? Hope for you sake that you’re dyslexic.

  6. nadds67 Says:

    @adam3088 or yer coz im fatt and all and i dont jump sticks i jump poles and i ride in big open aeras not small aearas fool

  7. Karragh Says:

    This chicken was the only one raptured

  8. VelvetSparrow1 Says:

    “I’m flying! I’m FLYING!”  <<

  9. adam3088 Says:

    Yet he still has to carry your fat arse around a small enclosure jumping over sticks, what a fulfilling existance he must lead.

  10. nadds67 Says:

    @TheWackadooFuckhead orr yerrr coz i use a whip fuck off get ya facts wright

  11. TheWackadooFuckhead Says:

    @nadds67 Oh yeah, I’m sure horse’s just love having little midgets riding on their back’s whipping them with cane’s lol

  12. TheWackadooFuckhead Says:

    @raymisty I know you wrote that 2 years ago lol but I’m guessing some animal rights activist was giving you shit? lol

  13. nights22003 Says:

    @nadds67 ok, for morons I shall put a ” , ” between baby and language. read again please, baby

  14. nadds67 Says:

    @nights22003 excuse me what is baby langauge if u were smart and relise that babys cant talk

  15. nights22003 Says:

    @nadds67 sounds like somebody has a little baby language problem

  16. nadds67 Says:

    @WhereInthEworldisweS yes that chicken could of been so scared and frighted from that how is sitting on a horses frightneing or scary for themm if you watch ahappy horse when some one ride it u will see ythat it is happy to move foward and goo so fuck off

  17. WhereInthEworldisweS Says:

    @nadds67 you freak out about a chicken floating, yetyou have no problem making a horse carry you around jumping stuff. Seems alittle wrong to me.

  18. puyochannel Says:

    @HesterDW how crazy is that Mr. Banzai? you should’ve seen him do the “place your bets now” in the spin cycle rodeo round 2


    Is that what humanity is all about? Placing bets on a chicken tied to balloons? I need another coffee.. this morning is only just getting started.

  20. JohnnyTheWolfLupino Says:

    Larry the gay chicken, last seen floating past The Moon. The first chicken in space!

  21. IAmLedsterOo Says:

    “this chicken, he called larry, you may say he look a little like a big gay chicken, whatever that not important.” :D.. and well i was right 🙂

  22. ONFender Says:

    @ChrisA12356 i do

  23. ChrisA12356 Says:

    @ONFender who cares?

  24. Jtee27 Says:

    Big Gay Chicken LOL!!

  25. ONFender Says:

    there is a string tied to the chicken to bring it back down, check the replay.

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