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The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Trailer Recap

Author : Betting on Profit – Become a Fan! – Follow Us! Watch the trailer: The official trailer for Vampire Diaries Season 2 is out and ClevverTV has the total recap right now! You back at ClevverTV – thanks for joining us today. I’m your host Joslyn Davis. So who’s ready for some Vampire Diaries? I know I am and I’m betting I’m not alone. Lucky for us a trailer for season 2 is now available, and giving us a little sneak peek at what’s to come. The trailer opens with Elena calling 911, as her uncle lies bleeding on the floor. In the foreground though, hidden from Elena is noneother than Katherine. This becomes sort of a theme in the whole trailer – as we constantly go back and forth between Elena and Katherine. So many characters seem to get tricked by Katherine, including Bonnie, and John Gilbert. We also see Damon tell Stephan that he kissed Elena, which of course we already know isn’t the case. Throughout the trailer there are several images of Katherine with both guys. Damon seems to be having a tough time with his feelings, while Katherine says that she came back specifically for Stephan. Another part of the plot this season that keeps getting overshadowed is the Jeremy drama! In the trailer Elena is overwhelmed with emotions trying to wake him up. The trailer tells fans to get ready for the year of the KAT, with a K of course. So are you guys ready or what? Also, I’ve got to point out that the song playing during the trailer was the perfect choice