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Lyrics: May you always, may you always walk in hope And may your days just be a way to walk along the great high road When the dark comes, when the dark comes to your door Will you deny him, don’t recognize him He’s not welcome anymore In your life, in your life, in your life In the forest, in the forest when you hear something that scares you, be aware that it is frightened of you too You can push that knot away, you can push that knot away Yes, you can push that knot away, you can push that knot away You can push that knot away, you can push that knot away And in the morning, in the morning when you wake It is a doorway for you to walk through to become what you make and just remember you have heaven in your heart It is inside you, and it will guide you so long as you listen hard In your life, in your life, in your life Daisy, you know this. You know this already Daisy, you know this. You know this already