Posts Tagged ‘ Successful ’

A trading system is basically a set of rules that determines when you can exit and exit spread betting positions. A trading system system for spread betting can be completely mechanical or partly mechanical and partly-discretionary. Most experts agree that for a trading system to be effective it should be unambiguous and tested. It must be unambiguous because anytime you have to make a decision while you are under emotional stress, it is likely that you will act irrationally. And you will be under emotional stress when you are spread betting, even though you may think that you are cool under pressure.


The Successful Treasure Hunter’s Manual.

Author : Betting on Profit

Essential Guide To Successful Treasure Hunting.
The Successful Treasure Hunter’s Manual.


How To Become A Successful Betfair Trader

Author : Betting on Profit

Huge Amounts Of Cash Is Won And Lost On The Betting Exchanges. You Can Learn How To Trade These And Lock In Profits Before An Event Takes Place. Get My Ebook & Online Videos And Start Making Regular Profitable Trades Today.
How To Become A Successful Betfair Trader