Posts Tagged ‘ Sitarman345 ’


SlimKirby and Sitarman345 Bet the Farm!

Author : Betting on Profit

Yes, a very random video, but I don’t really care. Might as well as get some videos out on this unknown-lengthed hiatus of mine. Basically, me and Sitarman are both playing Game Guy mini-games, trying to unlock Mario’s Puzzle Party Pro, a rare mini-game that requires you to play Game Guy mini-games until you have 1000 coins, a very tedious process. “Betting the Farm” is basically the quote we used for this. “IM GONNA BET THE FARM!” We both did succeed tonight and both unlocked the game, but the recording was 48 minutes, and since I didn’t want a very long video of basically nothing, I compiled the humorous, or somewhat humorous clips together.