Posts Tagged ‘ refs ’

MMA Betting Trends – We are seeing this on a regular basis. The Refs calling the fights too early when a fighter gets into trouble. Is this a backlash of the concussion issue in the NFL and NHL? Teasers, Pleasers and Parlays, Oh my! BetUS sportsbook offers every line, on every game, every time. Join BetUS sportsbook and the Sports Betting leaders —————————————– blog link: Other recommended sports betting links http


are you kidding me? skip to the 00:45 for the 2nd call Bill Leavy doing it again, cheated on the Seahawks…now he’s doing this? I mean, these calls were pretty obvious, the fumble was obvious they even went and reviewed the play, yet…it’s not a fumble! are you kidding me? the 2nd call was more insane, “HIT TO THE HELMET?” oh wow… we’ve had a great playoff so far…please, we dont need these refs doing this in the NFL we don’t want to go back into the NBA days with the refs cheating/betting on the games!!! By the way..congrats to the New York Giants, and also the GreenBay Packers for a great season! All Copyright goes to the NFL and the FOX network!


Game 2 – 2006 Eastern Conference Finals: Pistons vs. Heat. Officials Dick Bavetta, Jack Nies & Ron Garretson look rather suspicious.