Posts Tagged ‘ Proof ’

Are you in search of FINANCIAL FREEDOM? then this video is a MUST WATCH. (To see part 2 of 5: Hi there, and thank you for taking your time to watch this series of videos where you ‘ll see a complete footage where I recorded every single bet from the picks given by the best NBA betting system ever made developed by Mr. Thompson. The bets were made with REAL money with a starting bankroll of $400 as a proof that the system works. However this is NOT a get rich quick system. You’ll need TIME, PATIENCE and DISCIPLINE (If you lack any of those then this system is NOT for you), so that your BR can grown in a steady way until you can manage to make nearly $800 per month…or even more. But again, this is only possible with TIME. However if you don’t have much money and you’re still interested in making some serious and realistic money online, I can still help you and have a very special service designed just for you. You can visit my website where you can get all the info you may need at: If you have any questions you can directly write to my email shown in the videos: or to: Also, be sure to check my other videos where I show you the best NFL system at work:


Proof of £3250 profit in 3 months on my Betfair account for all to see that my systems do work and are not just a gimmick to make a few quid on the internet. To purchase systems from JJNBettingSystems you can either visit my Ebay shop here; Or go direct to our website…

Hi! and welcome! What you are about to see here is A COMPLETE FOOTAGE where I recorded every single bet with the best NFL betting system ever made developed by Mr. Thompson. (Check to buy the E-Book and get more info.) So, unlike all other scammers that try to sell you some system, I HAVE RECORDED PROOF OF HOW I WON THIS PAST 2010 NFL SEASON! The bets were made with REAL money with a starting bankroll of $300 as a proof that the systems given in his e-book actually work. This is also to show that this system can work well even with small BR, but it is highly suggested to have a BR of $1000 minimum to start if you want very fast results. If you don’t know how Sports Bets work, don’t worry, it is ALL explained in the ebook. Also you can write me or the author for any question you may have. However this is NOT a get rich quick system. You’ll need TIME, PATIENCE and DISCIPLINE, so that you can build your BR in a steady way until you can manage to make $100 bets, and in best cases make nearly $1000 per month…or even more. But again, this is only possible with TIME, PATIENCE and DISCIPLINE. If you lack any of those then this system is NOT for you. Now, if you don’t have much money and you’re still interested in making some serious and realistic money online, I can still help you because I have a very special service designed for you. To know more, just download this ebook where it is explained how I can make YOU money online with my service

Latest profits from the system 0800 389 87 67


Proof of how I’ve won a considerable amount of money, betting online only. This hardly has anything to do with guessing, predicting or making ANY betting systems at all. I’m passing that knowledge and experience in a single copy to only one man as I’m no more willing to spend my days and nights in front of the laptop or the PC. I raised enough money to start something more exciting in my life, outside the walls of my home. See how to have it here: NOTE: You could translate what “печели” means from Bulgarian to English at: Music by Tom Salta

GameChap and Bertie are on a Fan-Made Map – the Underwater Arena (completely Endermen proof!) – for another thrilling Clay Soldiers war; this time a Sub Match between four armies chosen by you, our subscribers! Which formidable army shall emerge victorious? PLUS – read the Battle Fort rules below for a chance to see your own army entered against that of another subscriber, right here on GameChap’s channel! Capital show! NEW BATTLE FORT RULES Instructions: Make an army based on the below rules. Armies shall be chosen from the comments section to enter battle against each other in a GameChap video! Tally ho! 1) Each army has 64 soldiers. 2) All soldiers are allowed a stick and piece of armour. 3) Each army can have one King, but this is optional. 4) Upgrades cost points. You can spend up to 64 points on your army. The costs are: -) Flint: 16 pts. -) Cloth: 16 pts. -) Horse: 4 pts. each -) Gold Ingot: 0 pts. -) Gunpowder: 4 pts. each (max 1) -) Porkchop: 4 pts. each -) Iron Ingot: 2 pts. each -) Gravel Block: 4 pts. each -) Slime: 1 pt. each -) Redstone: 4 pts. each -) Sugar: 1 pt. each -) Glowstone: 0 pts. each 5) Item Descriptions -) Flint: Your soldiers craft sharper sticks for increased melee damage. -) Cloth: Allows your men to use wool padding, giving them better armor. -) Horse: A trusty steed who grants increased speed and armor to his rider. -) Gold Ingot: Use this to crown a king! Your soldiers will follow him. -) Gunpowder: Plant an explosive charge in one soldier

Proof of £3940 profit in 3 months on my Betfair account for all to see that our systems work at a profitable level and are not just a gimmick to make a few quid on the internet. To purchase systems from JJNBettingSystems you can either visit our Ebay shop here; Or purchase…