Posts Tagged ‘ Presidential ’

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos wastes no time in ambushing Ron Paul – and old Ron kindly responds with his psycho talk to make himself look like a kook burger, on the first day he announces his presidential bid. Old Ron also has a Charlie Sheen moment and says hes “winning” (with 0.05% of the vote) – after George ridicules him for betting with him that he would win last time around. Target: 0.06% of the vote, 0.01% better than what he did last time around. Maybe get psycho friend Peter Schiff and his robot dolls to do a dance for you on national TV to pull some votes?FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

US congress today approved an extension of the payroll tax cut for two months…putting off a tax increase for millions of workers. So, after much partisan politicking, they did it — saving face for the moment, but could it hurt their stock price headed into the 2012 elections? You heard me right. We’ll talk about the political derivatives market a Chicago exchange is betting on. Would it be a continuation of a climate on wall street that encourages special treatment that our guest, financial journalist and inventor of the virtual specialist technology, Max Keiser, calls “the special olympics for financial fraud.” And speaking of derivatives, those bets added fuel to the fire that engulfed the financial markets in 2008…most famously seen in the explosion and bailout of AGI (backdoor bailout of the big banks like goldman sachs, jp morgan, bank of america, etc.). More recently, MF Global customer money used to trade on these exchanges went missing. So where do futures exchanges come from and where have they gone wrong?