Posts Tagged ‘ Platinum ’

Had a real pain editing this stupid video. XD Shouldn’t call it stupid when it’s the conclusion to my walkthrough. Credits should be uploaded shortly if they aren’t already uploaded. Cynthia, Champion of Sinnoh and she’s champion for a reason. She doesn’t really switch out, use this to your advantage, her team is diverse and this allows you to be capable of switching your team around to suit the situation. Be very careful about garchomp. Champion Cynthia Specialty All Around Spiritomb Level 58 Ghost/Dark Dark Pulse Psychic Silver Wind Shadow Ball Bring your strongest attacks, it has no weaknesses. I would recommend something that is resistant to all of spiritombs moves. Roserade Level 58 Grass/Poision Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Toxic Extrasensory Steel types love this thing. I doubt you have a Skarmory since it technically isn’t in the sinnoh dex but Skarmory is the ultimate Pokemon for this roserade. Steel types work wonders to avoid the poison. You may end up using an antidote here. Togekiss Level 60 Normal/Flying Air Slash Aura Sphere Water Pulse Shock Wave Thank you game designers for getting rid of Gastradon. Togekiss is good defensively and covers weaknesses. It’s hard to approach this thing but your best bet is probably ice type moves. Lucario Level 60 Fighting/Steel Aura Sphere Extremespeed Shadow Ball Stone Edge In my opinion her easiest Pokemon but don’t let that fool you. It’s still good, it’s not very defensive so a strong super effective hit should KO. Milotic

brian and i were exhausted & loopy at the end of an amazing all-day-and-night broto-shoot with the crazy talented, so we decided to have a little fun 🙂 this is our we-can’t-remember-nor-stop-laughing rendish of our winning song from Ep. 6 “Bettin’ My Life” for the reck, i’d bet my life on brian #bromance