Posts Tagged ‘ Mario ’

Here is my first walkthrough for Super Mario Sunshine, a special request from a friend. Though, I’m not the greatest at this game, I will now be taking walkthroughs for Super Mario Sunshine as well!


Super Paper Mario – Brobot L-Type battle

Author : Betting on Profit

Quite simply bomb the crap outta him and guard attacks with Peach’s umbrella.


Super Paper Mario Walkthrough – World 4-2

Author : Betting on Profit

Hey, I am making a video walkthrough for Super Paper Mario for the Wii. *This video will have unavoidable spoilers* This video is world 4-2 I have more walkthroughs here:



World 8: Bowser’s Castle. This is it, get your jumping boots ready for the final stage. Yes a Starman here is pretty useless but whatever. You shouldn’t really have trouble with the Star Coins in this stage because they are all in plain view. Just don’t go overboard it the skull platforms, because there is one part where you need to jump on top of one of them to move forward. If you ask me, they made this stage way too short. I mean seriously, good luck running out of time here. But yeah, once you reach Bowser’s Door, there is a Flag and a hidden box containing a Fire Flower to the right of the door. Bowser will start off by sending some potshots your way. Jump or duck past the large orbs of fire and confront the head honcho himself. In a classic fashion, he will attack while guarding that “!” switch behind him. If you want to run past Bowser, you have to time your running just perfectly to get past him. He will push you away while dealing damage just so that you can’t take the cheap way out. You must get completely around him. You other option is to blast him with Fire Balls. Note that you must land 30 hits on him to take him out. Hit the “!” switch to drop the bridge and your done… yeah right. Kamek, of all things, was faking you out the whole time just so he can cast his magic again. And what does he do? Make Bowser friggin’ massive. It’s nothing like in Yoshi’s Island, but he does act the part. This Bowser will switch between shooting fireballs and hand-smashing