Posts Tagged ‘ Hell ’


DAD – Rim Of Hell

Author : Betting on Profit

Great band that I’m betting not many people have heard of. DAD originally called Disneyland After Dark until a certain company threatened to sue. They are from Denmark and this song is off of their 3rd album, “No Fuel Left For The Pilgrims” released in ’89. I think it was the 1st album released over here by them. They are still around and still making great albums in my opinion. I wish I had a big ol’ hollow body Gretch to really get the sound he got on this song, and really the whole album. Some great stuff, I recommend giving it a listen if you can find it. Got to show off my minimal skills at fingerpicking in this one, didn’t turn out to bad, only a couple mistakes. The worst one I fixed with some creative editing… Enjoy LRRG