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Watch as the team at Evolution Studios shares some details about the robust Wreckreation mode, the free race and multiplayer mode in MotorStorm® Apocalypse. This video also gives you a sneak peak at some all-new game footage, including car customization and online betting! Watch this video today to go behind the scenes of the most action-packed racing game around! Available April 12, 2011 Game Description: Survive the end of the world at breakneck speeds, tearing through a gigantic city as it goes up in flames around you. Unstable skyscrapers, fiery subway tunnels, machine gun and rocket fire, and flying rubble are just some of the hazards that stand between you and the finish line. With mother nature hot on your tail, you’re not just racing to win… You’re racing to survive!

Go to for our full article on the BUILD conference. In this first part of Sinofsky’s keynote at the BUILD conference, he presents an overview of Windows 8. Windows 8 features the new touch-enabled Metro interface, a dramatic departure from the traditional desktop user interface. Metro makes extensive use of dynamically updating tiles similar to Windows Phone 7, and is optimized for touch screens, although it can be used with a keyboard and mouse. MS is betting that touch screens will be universal for both desktop and mobile devices, in contrast with Apple. Windows 8 is something of a one-size-fits-all approach, in which all hardware platforms, desktop, laptop, and tablet, are required to support the full Win 8 OS, with built in support for the conventional Windows desktop. It remains to be seen whether this is really viable for ultra low power ARM devices, which don’t have the computing power of even Intel Atoms. ARM development for Win 8 appears to be lagging, and most of the demos were run on Intel based systems.