Posts Tagged ‘ Banksters ’

To watch more visit us @ More than $1.2 billion dollars could be missing from customer accounts at MF Global, twice the amount regulators originally predicted. That’s according to the bankruptcy trustee. Failing to separate customer money from house funds is breaking the law if that’s the case, so where is the indictment for Jon Corzine? Is he too big to jail along with other Wall Street CEOs who some believe should have faced criminal charges for their roles in the 2008 financial crisis? During the S&L crisis, regulators made over 10000 criminal referrals, according to regulator during that time Bill Black. In the 2008 financial crisis, he says there have been zero. But Martha Stewart was fair game in recent years, remember she got five months for lying related to an insider trading scandal? Meanwhile, some Federal Reserve policy makers said the Fed should consider doing more, according to the minutes from its last meeting meeting that came out in Washington today. But is the Fed already doing QE 3, and just not telling us? We talk to famed investor Jim Rogers who believes that’s the case. And as technocrats meet to hatch the eurozone’s future, protests on the streets and investors dumping the euro show more people may be betting on its failure.