Posts Tagged ‘ 300€ ’


300€ in one evening

Author : Betting on Profit

In order to test the system and prove to yourself that it works, you need to follow my quick and easy steps to set up. It won’t cost you anything, you don’t need to enter any personal information, and it will only take a couple of minutes to complete. Firstly, you need to download one of the casinos from the list below. I’ve listed these particular casinos because these are the ones I use successfully every day, Downloading and installing is very simple, straightforward and quick. Also these particular casinos can be un-installed cleanly with one click if for any reason you decide not to use the technique. 1. 2. http Read this next part carefully… It’s a logical certainty that if you repeat the same red/black bet over and over, you have a 100% probability of eventually getting a win. You may lose 3, 4, or 5 times first, but eventually you will get a win… That is a fact! You start off by betting £1 on either red or black to win. If you lose that bet, you make the same play again but this time you double your bet. So if you originally bet £1 on red, this time bet £2 on red. If you lose again, you double again and bet £4 on red and so on until you win. So in this betting cycle you lost £7 but you won £8, making you a £1 profit. Now, that doesn’t sound much, but you should be able to play three or four average length cycles every minute. Do the math’s, that’s £180 – £240 of clear profit per hour, and that’s with only £1 bets. IMPORTANT – Things to