
Super Paper Mario – Brobot L-Type battle

Author : Betting on Profit

Quite simply bomb the crap outta him and guard attacks with Peach’s umbrella.

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25 Responses to “Super Paper Mario – Brobot L-Type battle”

  1. kyndolclark Says:

    This game may not be like the previous Paper Mario games, but this is still an epic game anyways. I’m playing it for the 2nd time.

  2. AirLetsPlays Says:

    p.s. i just got dashell!!!! (SPM)

  3. AirLetsPlays Says:

    if you love paper mario 64/TTYD/SPM look at my channel!!!

  4. Kr8100 Says:

    I think Dimentio “killed” Luigi’s evil part, and sent him to that underwear place were he can be good and join the heroes side. Very clever.

  5. GoldenYoshi1 Says:

    OMG, Peach’s parasol can handle a missile explosion O.O

  6. steeledminer616 Says:

    Gotta wonder how does Mario feel about about his brother keep a giant robot version of himself?

  7. SuperJAbros Says:

    2:11 dois bigodes????

  8. SuperJAbros Says:

    Lol, Peach ainda nem sabe que o Mister L é o Luigi… Dá pra ver de cara…

  9. mikaroo222 Says:


  10. steeledminer616 Says:

    Love the fact instead of robot, its Brobot, Brobotics, but nobody realizes that he is Mario’s Brother, not even Mr. L.

  11. BetaTowerofyikkYt Says:


  12. LukeMol2001 Says:

    brobot l-type has less hp than regular brobot.

  13. supersonic741 Says:

    MR. L HAS TEH FORZE?!?!?!?

  14. mainchow10 Says:

    You defeated Brobot!? How!? He shoots Missiles! MISSILES!!!

  15. Chaofanatic Says:

    So that’s what a flavorizer does!

  16. Chaofanatic Says:

    @Great4332 No.

  17. Chaofanatic Says:

    So that’s what a flavorizer does.

  18. BetaTowerofyikkYt Says:

    When I played this at my friends house, (I dont own Super Paper Mario nor a Wii) and I got the Pure Heart I went: “WHAT¡¿¡ NO PIXL DANCE¿¡¿ IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE¿¡ NOOOOOOO” My friend went HA¡¡¡

  19. StrawberryGuy86 Says:

    Thanks for the Mother 3 references in this game Nintendo! There’s just one problem… that dickhead Reggie won’t let us play it!!

  20. darkshadows70 Says:

    LOL “Hey there, gorgeous.” XD

  21. Great4332 Says:

    @0MSDoll0 he shoots MISSLES what the fuck? u sholud have added IM FIRING MY LAZER

  22. Thechosendude509 Says:

    Mr.L can survive the end of the world, nuff said.

  23. mariogamergirl4 Says:

    ml.l said to peach “hey there georgues xD

  24. calprey Says:

    Is that umbrella made of Nintendium?

  25. Kisamefishfry Says:

    wow you suck at this game….

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