
www.facebook.com Are you willing to throw the weight of your Twitter feed behind a brand? MyLikes CEO Bindu Reddy sure is. She’s betting that you’ll happily endorse your favorite things via social networks in exchange for cold, hard cash. On this week’s show, Reddy discusses the ethics behind sponsored placements, the democratization of advertising and how we can all cash in on our Internet fame.

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4 Responses to “– Startups – Bindu Reddy, Founder of MyLikes”

  1. ThElOrRiCrUe Says:

    Hey everyone check out my mylikes video. I would appreciate it if you do . youtube.com/watch?v=3iqxiYhEu2­Q

  2. 101Cheetahs Says:

    do you have to pay for it at all?

  3. amercules Says:


  4. little3lue Says:

    I figure that Jason should get payed less per ad click. He certainly has more reach, but most are strangers. My 100 followers have a much closer relationship with me on average, and that would likely lead to a higher conversion since my endorsement has more value to them personally.

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