
Sports Betting Champ Exposed

Author : Betting on Profit

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22 Responses to “Sports Betting Champ Exposed”

  1. tahar9320 Says:

    Hi hi! Have you seen the ebook How to Milk the Betting Exchange Cash Cow? I got some useful tips from it and now can play like a pro and win all the time now without sweat.

  2. sasa2465 Says:

    Shocked! ! The most incredible secrets of sports betting websites: gaa.nn.cx

  3. SportsBettingEXPOSED Says:

    @rainmaker6970 you hit it on the head when you said progression works, if you keep the 2% rule on your mind everyday! progression systems work if people can be disciplined enough to manage their money correctly! but they don’t….they get excited after 5, 10, 20 wins & than go HARD on a few bets, get 1 loss, & wipe out their account. they have no one to blame but themselves.

  4. SportsBettingEXPOSED Says:

    the ABSOLUTE truth about John Morrison’s systems. DON’T sign up till you watch my video…it’ll save you thousands! check out my channel by clicking on SportsBettingEXPOSED

  5. weapt Says:


  6. davidisadadof2 Says:

    I finally figured out how to use this progressive betting system- I’ve been betting 20% of my bankroll each progression, or using this method successfully: BR/65[A] * 3[B] * 3[C] To increase your risk and potential payout, simply reduce the dividend to 52 (25%), 26 (50%), or 13 (100%), but remember the total amount of progressive wins for MLB season is 90%, so keeping it at 65 or 52 dividend of your bankroll will gradually keep you ahead and curve any losses in the long run even with high vigs.

  7. rainmaker6970 Says:

    I just want to clear some of this stuff up. I have not bought this product, but I won every bet 20 years ago before being cut off by a bookie. It is possible to win 90% at baseball.

    I recently got kicked off of poker like a lot of us so I started to paper trade it. Progressions work, if you keep the 2% rule on your mind every day. I shit you not I won 56 progressions in a row. Only 2 teams made it to the third game and they both won on the fourth.

    I was only betting $30 a game,

  8. kdub0911 Says:

    There are thousands of games play in MLB season. He only picks a few a season that have the best odds of winning. Dumb bettors play every game or two many a day. They dont pick the best odds for the games that day.

  9. JustGabe Says:

    If you think this shitty system works, you have yet to see the best NFL system ever, just look at my channel or search “nfl betting system recorded proof” in youtube to look for a complete footage of my bets with real money.

    I promise that looking at those videos will be worth your time 😉

  10. halloffamepicks Says:

    Get on board for the Super Bowl and Hoops!
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  11. halloffamepicks Says:

    NO systems scams just straight Winners!!

  12. Fastmoneyclick Says:

    I like sports I am certified SPORTSNUT i watch ESPN all day I DVR my Fav games

    The only thing i love more than sports is cold hard $cash$

    up until recently I was losing all of my bets but that was until i discovered


    using this site I have won all my bets in 2011 so far ($7,594) and counting

    This site is awesome if things go good im gonna work part time forget working FULL-TIME

    I need to watch my SPORTS!

  13. mel5018 Says:

    if this guy is even a phd in statistic that means he knows how to manipulate them, to what he wants legitimately.

  14. Lostkiwi123 Says:

    This is a scam, don’t buy this product

  15. icare Says:

    This is a scam, don’t fall for it!

  16. taijiangah Says:

    Before you decide to use this system know that three outcome can come from this system. Also note that for this system to guarantee you money you need an HUGE – UNLIMITED bankroll.

    Bet a ton of money and win a little
    Bet a little money and win a little
    Bet a ton of money and lose everything

    Which outcome you get will be determined by your bankroll. But if you have that big of a bank roll to make any money from this system, you should be smart enough to know that this is a terrible idea.

  17. shelley1961 Says:

    Hey Shawn just so you know I tried getting my money back from clickbank on this product and they denied it…..so you may want to let people know also I’m not giving up trying to get my money back……Total Bogus

  18. TheBetMaker Says:

    Hey guyz…check out the best sports betting website!!!!  IBetandWinOnline.çom

  19. Genoxide85 Says:

    Its a scam, Dont fall for it.

  20. ROCKmixxENT Says:

    @97PercentWin sure you are….(*)(*) thats eyes rolling if your broke ass didnt know

  21. petrinastele54 Says:

    I have bought Sports Betting Champ,you can read my review here – clickbankreviewdude(dot)com/sports-betting-champ-review

  22. ftse07 Says:

    The 2nd bet also loses so you now have to place £80 on the next bet to make up for the total of £40 you have just lost from the previous 2 bets, plus another £10 to make the £5 profit which is £90.

    If that bet loses you will have lost £130 altogether just from trying to win £5!

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