
Ian Holloway lets the public know his views on Sepp Blatter and Biscuits in a typically frank press conference…….. This is one of the weekly sketches from Risteard Cooper – only available on YouTube.

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25 Responses to “Spoof Ian Holloway rant at Sepp Blatter and Biscuits!”

  1. MaevusC Says:

    Considerin Risteard Cooper is irish he seems to get it spot on with all these different english accents. the funny cunt!

  2. howlingmad321 Says:

    lol this is brilliant

  3. gasheadd1 Says:

    @rapha24mt hardly, being myself from east bristol (where ollie is from) then not the greatest accent but it still made me laugh

  4. blammineze Says:

    im a liverpool supporter but ian holloway is too g not to love

  5. richy69ify Says:

    Brilliant, almost spot on, shave your head next time!

  6. rapha24mt Says:

    his voice imitation is impeccable!

  7. Armitage2Shanks Says:

    The real Ian Holloway is funnier!!

  8. StevieStickman Says:

    “What the fuck was I talking about.”

  9. UltraGoodTV Says:

    apres match ……. no better

  10. andyboreland Says:

    (Romans 6.23)
    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord

    (Acts 16.31)
    Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved

  11. RIXLAZZZ Says:

    great irish comedy

  12. TheChohr Says:

    @tomlannigan Yeah these impersonations have gone really good!

  13. brentakasmitty Says:

    it’s all letters now isn’t it… xbox’s, dvd, hd1… U CAN QUOTE ME ON THAT!!!

  14. tomlannigan Says:

    he actually reminds me of ollie thats why its so funny!

  15. gladdentom Says:

    blinky blanky machines and shineys 

  16. oggiemc83 Says:

    how does this have so few views?!?!?

  17. crackedout123 Says:

    might miss Ian Holloway this season. He’s an idiot but he’s humorous.

  18. MrLittleRedMan11 Says:

    This is good :’) You can quote me on that….

  19. cmoz88 Says:


  20. efcdk92 Says:

    @DiscoStorm I hate them as much as i did for fulham when they beat norwich 6-0 on the final day, when they had nothing to play for. Exactly the same here. Unneccessary to the max. Not saying score own goals or anything but it’s 2-2 and you throw rooney on? when you’ve won the league and a 2-2 draw would of kept them up. Pricks.

  21. DiscoStorm Says:

    @efcdk92 hey! it wasnt our fault, blame wigan and wolves and blackburn for staying up! bastards!

  22. efcdk92 Says:

    I miss you already ollie. Manc BASTARDS!

  23. AstonVilla82thebest Says:

    Lol this is AWESOME!

  24. AdebayCraig14 Says:

    I actually thought it was Holloway before I went into the video

  25. mcpow Says:

    loooool…looks just like him

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