
Sonic Youth

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25 Responses to “Sonic Youth-Bull in the heather (live on letterman)”

  1. aaronsdavis Says:

    I remember catching this when it aired, had no idea it was gonna be on, and was blown away…my favorite SY ever. Thank you Lettterman, you filthy alt rocker. (and Thurston)

  2. rsp196607 Says:

    She’s not a bad looking girl, which is to say, she isn’t fat.

  3. Anton87000 Says:


  4. spasovskiii Says:

    Brace yourselves. Its Sonic Youth!

  5. bigstereo Says:

    @kurtispopp Agreed.

  6. einXtein Says:

    @oldmanpinkerton They never ‘sold out’. Selling out implies that they stopped making the kind of music they used to so they would get more money or because their label wanted them to. They never did that, actually, whenever they felt unsatisfied with a label they just switched, and they did that pretty often.

  7. ikillmofos Says:

    This song is a work of genius. So deep and moving.

  8. balderdashsir Says:

    “Selling out” is a concept embraced by people who don’t have jobs and have never been paid for anything they’ve done and considered “artsy.” It’s not Sonic Youth’s fault that kids plugged into what they were doing and continue to do so. They didn’t put out a cock rock album to appeal to Stryper fans or anything. I feel soooo bad for them getting recognition and money for not sucking at what they do. Jesus, I need a drink.

  9. zhimbo Says:

    @oldmanpinkerton “Selling out” and “popular” aren’t the same thing (and not that it’s important, but they were never even close to Nirvana’s popularity).

  10. oldmanpinkerton Says:

    Sonic Youth did sell out… They were almost as popular as Nirvana. They signed to a major label. It doesn’t make them bad or anythin, they’ll always be one of my favorite bands. If they didn’t sell out, they probably wouldnt have made amzing albums like Goo and Dirty

  11. mshuptar Says:

    Kim is totally rockin that Knicks jersey.

  12. kurtispopp Says:

    @adamj1989 I don’t give a shit what business decisions a band makes as long as their actual recorded output is uncompromised. As long as they make good albums, they can do a commercial for K-Mart for all I care.

  13. legruneflickmaster Says:


  14. ATPTheMovie Says:

    All Tomorrow’s Parties
    In Australian cinemas now. Screening at:

    Cinema Nova  Melbourne
    Dendy Newtown Sydney
    Tribal Theatre Brisbane
    Palace Nova Adelaide

    Keep updated at: f a c e b o o k . c o m / A T P f i l m

  15. sata666violencia Says:

    Una bala que excelencia de musica

  16. Aquarray Says:

    haha, the fucking audience dont know what they just saw

  17. spookypig Says:

    @adamj1989 The Starbucks thing is the only real sell-out point. The Fender thing is just super-smart, cool. The Juno soundtrack maybe they like the people involved. They are not Rob Zombie who gives ANY of his songs to ANY shitty movie soundtrack or trailer for a few bucks, and he is proud to admit that with that money he can afford to keep that annoying cunt of a wife.

  18. spookypig Says:

    Paul Shaffer is looking at them wishing that was him.

  19. jack00008 Says:

    exactly, dude. we need to bring back elitism to rock n roll!

  20. antislug Says:

    @thecrikster he sold his soul to the devil

  21. adamj1989 Says:

    @zackpliskin Except they did sell out. Massively. They released a record on Starbucks’ label, signed a deal with Fender to manufacture a signature series of guitars, and commissioned music to some dreadful Hollywood films like Juno. If that isn’t selling out by the standards of an underground band, what is?

  22. thecrikster Says:

    @MrRosstifarian I think – at the time – a lot of people (not me btw) thought they had sold out when they moved to Geffen. I love the fact they are still releasing records and aren’t just resting on their laurels…they could easily just do endless tours playing their most popular tracks, but they don’t.

  23. thecrikster Says:

    @davidyow Sad fact is that time hasn’t been quite so kind to Kim. I always had a thing for her, but it’s becoming increasingly disturbing as each year goes by. It’s actually quite depressing.

    But yeah what the hell is the deal with Thurston?

  24. SuperSlohan Says:

    @VaqueiroAruanda Wow!!! True genius!!!!

  25. MrRosstifarian Says:

    @zackpliskin How have they not sold out? im not having a go at you or them, just interested to know

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