
In December, 2010, Sleeping At Last asked their listeners to send holiday/winter themed video footage with the intentions of assembling it all into a community-made music video of sorts for the Sleeping At Last original Christmas song, “Snow.” This video was brilliantly edited and realized by the very gifted, Bob Davidson. Footage was sent in from all over the world, by: Benoit Sevic Brian MacDonald Craig Snedeker Dan Perdue Daniel Burnap David Poyzer Diana Ngo Gabriel Lytle Jonathan Kimsey Josh Seawell Joshua Grubb Marlys Allard Matthew Baxter Matthew Zekmeister Michael Davis Nicolas Levasseur Peter Clark Ryan O’Neal Steve Jones Ty Cody “Snow” is from the “December” EP (as part of the “Yearbook” project) by the band, Sleeping At Last. Grab it on iTunes here: bit.ly Lyrics: SNOW the branches have traded their leaves for white sleeves all warm-blooded creatures make ghosts as they breathe scarves are wrapped tightly like gifts under trees christmas lights tangle in knots annually our families huddle closely betting warmth against the cold but our bruises seem to surface like mud beneath the snow so we sing carols softly, as sweet as we know a prayer that our burdens will lift as we go like young love still waiting under mistletoe we’ll welcome december with tireless hope let our bells keep on ringing making angels in the snow may the melody disarm us when the cracks begin to show like the petals in our pockets may we remember who we are unconditionally cared for by those

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23 Responses to ““Snow” by Sleeping At Last (Communally-Made!)”

  1. billieshakes13 Says:

    Absolutely Beautiful.

  2. MissMasterPlan Says:

    beautiful, love youu! <3

  3. lolipopFR Says:

    just beautiful …

  4. 23mcbecker Says:

    this is incredible! it has now been added to my favorite christmas songs of all time. thanks so much!

  5. flabdad Says:

    Was this song inspired by the snow metaphor in Isaiah 1:18? If so, nicely done. 🙂

  6. jackristie Says:

    well this song is one of the breathtaking ones out there in the world.

  7. HannahGingrich Says:

    Love it, especially because the parc de st.cloud is featured. that its one of my favorite parcs in the whole world!

  8. glahoiten Says:


  9. aaroncoal28 Says:

    This is one of my favorite SAL songs

  10. thienly Says:

    shivers throughout my body. so beautiful, video+song

  11. gregbodprod Says:


  12. rainykisses Says:


  13. trLmos Says:

    It’s a beautiful idea. Merry christmas! <3 Love you, SAL.

  14. whenturtlesfly Says:

    *happy smile* this song grows on me with each listen. merry christmas, everyone!

  15. kevinbrucerules Says:

    @SleepingAtLast1 haha, rad man. Me too. I was in Wishing Well. Those were the days man, those were the days. Diggin the new tunes for sure. Well, stay rad.

  16. stylusboymusic Says:

    Thanks so much for including my footage! Its a great video and im very proud to be involved!


  17. RiChEiGsTi Says:

    love it guys.

  18. SleepingAtLast1 Says:

    thanks guys!! very very kind of you!! and kevinbrucerules: yes, we totally were on that “fun with dirt comp” many moons ago! yikes!! crazy. love, ryan

  19. gaberuski Says:

    proud to be a part! 🙂

  20. lifeinacndyswrl Says:

    This is absolutely beautiful. Love the petals lyric. It’s a Wonderful Life is my favorite movie.

  21. kevinbrucerules Says:

    a)great song
    b)great video
    c)were you guys on a comp called ‘fun with dirt’ years ago?
    d)I have some of your music off noisetrade already and it rules.
    e)merry Christmas!

  22. zabs3205 Says:

    Really really good

  23. kohlslaw10 Says:

    Brilliant idea guys. Twas beautiful! 🙂

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