
Sir Michael Stoute & Ryan Moore…

Author : Betting on Profit

..talk to Kate Miller of William Hill. Carlton House is current favourite for the Epsom Derby 2011. The Trainer and Jockey talk to the Epsom Derby betting partner, William Hill about it’s chances.

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7 Responses to “Sir Michael Stoute & Ryan Moore…”

  1. 90cmac Says:

    kate miller is my ideal women!

  2. markillingworth1972 Says:

    if i was ryan moore i wouldnt be able to take my eyes off her. wots wrong with him?

  3. markillingworth1972 Says:

    is it just me or is ryan moore always fucking miserable when talking in an interview?

  4. magiclard Says:

    @hescorescholes I will stand by what I said about so called no hopers. Its no good whining about other horses when they bump you. A gracious loser he wasnt that day. Yes he did the five timer and I had to laugh, but he gets his share of flak for the right reasons from time to time. Johnny Murtagh is better. Value every time. 🙂

  5. ragefanatic Says:

    He’s still the only the jockey that hates the media, never looks at the camera, its only a matter of time b4 he leaves the stoute stable and joins O’ Brien

  6. hescorescholes Says:

    @magiclard funny how u typed this message a couple of days b4 he rode a 5 timer at york on saturday..the last on entitled was poetry…definatly the best jockey in the world … and if any 1 disagrees il start a youtube message war to back up my argument..

  7. magiclard Says:

    Moore lost fair and square he took that hose out way to wide and to cry over no hopers being in there is cant. He has been champ jockey 3 times and knows the score. BAD RIDE M)OORE=simply not good enough on the day.

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