
Gaming expert Barney Vinson and Host Cheryl Maxfield deliver comprehensive, advanced instructions on how to play winning Craps. Craps, Las Vegas, casino, Players Network, gambling, Poker, Blackjack, Slots, Roulette, las vegas, casino, craps, how to, teach me, how to,Poker, poker tournaments,…

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25 Responses to ““School of Gaming” How to play Craps – Advanced”

  1. SD2OCsponger Says:

    17:10 the guys laugh in the backround haha

  2. cowboydreaminvestor Says:

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  3. chipNchip33 Says:

    god that guy in the white jacket is a fuckin douche

  4. 1487gabe Says:

    I deal dice, double odds is horrible for the player………….unless you can find a table with at LEAST 10 times odds, placing bets is better for your money. On a real game, you’ll see way more place bets than come bets. 

  5. jackasscopycat Says:

    @samcarchidi77 haha

  6. samcarchidi77 Says:

    Chick has itch at 39:10 and 39:20

  7. das8723 Says:

    the guy shootin the dice is a goof i cant deal with him.

  8. Numba1SouthParkFan Says:

    Im gonna take a crap on the craps table

  9. peterwantspie Says:

    Around 26.14, when the second guy (not the shooter) lays his odds on the come bet, a woman’s voice that doesn’t seem to be part of the original soundtrack of the video repeats the phrase that Barney has been saying the whole way through: ‘It’s where you make your money’.

    Some kind of subliminal gambling encouragement? 😛

  10. keegan773 Says:

    O.M.G what pillocks

  11. Birdmanbrian1 Says:

    Visit John Boender’s How To Play Craps… you won’t be sorry! Craps Money (dot) com. I can’t embed an address in this posting.

  12. Birdmanbrian1 Says:

    Don’t waste your time with this video. Visit John Boender’s “How to play Craps” you can buy his 3 high quality DVD disc set for under $50, you will learn so much more! John Boender teaches how to bet the casino’s money against them while increasing your bank roll in the process…absolutely amazing information! Just got back from Vegas Sunday and came back with $2100 thanks to John’s easy method. I’ve been a strong back line bettor for many years, this year it’s all changed thanks to Boender!

  13. nauris705 Says:

    blah blah blah (tits and ass) blah blah,:58

  14. AJBSONIC Says:

    Perfect video, can’t wait to hit AC and give it a shot!

  15. 57geronimo Says:

    great video of how to play craps, I’m learning enough that I think I will play next time I go to Kansas Star Casino.

  16. Tropicsca Says:

    that was actually an awsome video i never knew you can take odds on come bets

  17. politicalratfinder Says:

    That was a great video… Im heading to Vegas in a couple of hours, cant wait to try this stragety!

  18. MrChris13 Says:

    Yea great. Video

  19. p1nkxf1oyd Says:

    Great video. I had no clue how to play craps before watching this video. After watching, I feel like I have a better idea of how to approach the game and how to play. A little long, but very good and informational if you have the time to watch it.

  20. Burner55 Says:

    great video covers what you need to know

  21. WickstarRunner Says:

    Place bets and hardways yeah. And bear in mind that this was at 3 different tables at 2 casinos.

  22. 76reliant Says:

    Like any game, craps can be fun with a hot table, but on a cold table, it won’t matter what strategy you use, unless you play “don’t come” during the cold table time. The most I saw won on one roll of the dice–a kid put $100 each on the ‘high/low’ and a 12 was rolled, which netted him $2900(pays 30 for 1), again on one roll…Ofcourse, that $100 was a one roll wager, but that is why it is called gambling.

  23. jcs237383 Says:

    what were they putting down, place bets?

  24. cluezo21 Says:

    Best beginner craps video on YouTube. Thanks, I had no idea how to play.

  25. sirkurtis Says:

    The Narrator sounds like Olmec from legends of the hidden temple! “The Shrine of The Silver Monkey!”

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