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25 Responses to “re: I lost everything gambling… for the second time (sick)”

  1. hellorodney Says:

    @leetDAWG im not in gold or silver,,,i need a spiritual awakening more than anything ,,thanks for commenting

  2. leetDAWG Says:

    @hellorodney hey nice video… im more interested in gold and silver… do you have any now? were you buying physical? and your not wrong about turning to the lord

  3. lSaif Says:

    There is a 95% chance scientifically/mathematically you will lose more then you win and for a gambling addict its probably 99%.

    if you enjoy the rush do Stockbroking, at least its not gambling as its an informed decision and the likely hood is you will make your money back.

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  5. hellorodney Says:

    @theBrickCity1986 sorry, i dont know, i think the maker left or perhaps got a new channel, i really dont know

  6. adebisi99 Says:

    start meditating & the ego control over your mind will disapear naturaly

  7. TheFunnysamnoob333 Says:

    No one in the god damed fucking world can tell me god damned fucking shit. For as long as i fucking live.

  8. TheFunnysamnoob333 Says:

    I got molested by my dad and a random man i dont know. And my parents split when i was fucking 6 years old. And i am straight. I am fucking strong i am a elite. is that a encounter enough for pal??? I am athiest.

  9. hellorodney Says:

    @TheFunnysamnoob333 the best to you,,but someday you will encounter something that you feel is insurmountable,,,,all you will need to do is to ask Jesus to help you and He will

  10. TheFunnysamnoob333 Says:

    @hellorodney I got my life togeather. Like i said i am a athiest.

  11. hellorodney Says:

    @TheFunnysamnoob333 every person will come to a point when things look hopeless,,,,ask Jesus to help you, and He will

  12. TheFunnysamnoob333 Says:

    I am athiest.

  13. PhaatPaat Says:

    im 16 and the bookies in my area think im 18. because of this all my wages i get from my full time job, which i chose over college, are blitzed on the fucking machines. ive self excluded myself from every bookies in my area but not once have they asked me to leave. its a load of fucking bollocks and the only way you will ever win in gambling is if you look around the machine on the floor for spare change.

  14. s44kof Says:

    Good advice stop gambling everybody you will loose everything in the end just stress depth and never come rich I have done it for 10 years and stopped 3 months ago feel better no stress and much happy money always in my pockets and on top of everything.remember it is for looser fuck the casinos there is only one winner them basterds.goodluck

  15. Oleg4171 Says:

    Hello everyone i have roulette strategy(software) that never loses, i can show you live-demonstation of my system and i can teach you everything from scratch. So contact me right away via skype:kostya19953 or icq:616-331-912

    Привет всём, у меня есть беспроиграшая система(программа) для игры в рулетки, и я вас могу научить всё с нуля.Свяжитесь со мной прямо сейчас мой skype:kostya19953 или icq: 616-331-912.

    Good luck and have a good gambling.

  16. ukusapillage Says:

    what do you meant with its a rigges game with silver and soy beans i didnt got that, casinos are rigged game not the market at leat the outside market of the usa…

  17. spiggs38 Says:

    Good video… thanks Rodney

  18. ravepokertour Says:

    cont..4 if your down that far just hang on and when the sun shines again the new day will come and things will be better in your life. You can’t blame gambling or playing cards tournaments Not games of chance like black jack or slots on some ones ability to give up there life because of there hand was not right or they lost 5 k in a game you should seek console and talk with a shrink is more of a mental issue then a Gambling Addiction.

  19. ravepokertour Says:

    cont..3 If you can not control your self and blame your short comings on others and not face your problem and say wow OK i have no control i don’t need to do this and then you have something like your grandfather shooting or hanging him self it make it look like that was the problem when it was not the problem sometimes you can get unbalanced enough where your depression will make you stick a loaded gun in your mouth. Its not the gamble life can make you this way alone with out dice or cards.

  20. ravepokertour Says:

    cont..2 It is like giving a drunk keys to a car after there smashed or someone jumping into a pool & not being able to swim. Sometime fate deals us a hand & we have to make a choice to sit or fold but never to the point where you lose total control sell the house kids and wife for the next hand come on sounds like some issues with finding your self to blame it on a role of the dice or a card game is just foolish you got to take a responsibility for you self.

  21. ravepokertour Says:

    cont..1 So yes it can look like fun but its hours of working and playing and sometimes the rush can be fun but this can very from hand to hand thunder can strike and the poker gods unjust to players but that’s all part of the game. To know how to control your self know when and where to make a move that’s where the true skill of the game is found I play for charities I do not play for my self I raise money to help others It is my Ying to the Yang you have have balance and control of your life.

  22. ravepokertour Says:

    GAMBLING IS AN ADDICTION I disagree You must know how to control your self and not get to deep . Telling some one they need help I can see where your coming from but poker is not a addiction I can live my life 100% without playing poker but i play i am not so drawn into it that I’m going to risk everything only fools rush poker is a game of skill not luck to know your limits and not get swiped away by the glamor of it it all is the hardest thing to face That i agree.

  23. RussianTrue Says:

    thank you I hope it will work

  24. 72U11 Says:

    Good video. 🙂

  25. thegraspgroup Says:

    Please watch our gambling awareness ads on YouTube and sign up to our forum to share your story

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