
The masterful (and faithful) re-telling of Jules Verne’s classic “Around the World in 80 Days”, which aired as a mini-series on television in 1989, starring Pierce Brosnan, Eric Idle, Peter Ustinov, and Julia Nickson. STORYLINE: “Phileas Fogg accepts a wager to prove his contention that a man can go around the world in 80 days. After betting his entire fortune, he takes his new butler (a man hoping for a quiet life) on a tour of the world. However, just before the time he leaves, the Bank of England is robbed and a Detective believes that Fogg is the guilty party and he sets out after him. Among the many adventures and mishaps that threaten the race, it includes the rescue of a beautiful Indian princess who just may win the heart of Mr. Fogg.”

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2 Responses to “Part 2 – Around the World in 80 Days (1989)”

  1. marcin8942 Says:

    I love this film and book. Soundtrack from this miniserie is wonderful too-
    I recommend!

  2. ValkyrieSwan Says:

    Thank you so much for sharing! Are you going to put the whole miniseries on YouTube? That would be nice if you could. Thanks again!

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