
Own A Racehorse – Racehorse Syndicates

Author : Betting on Profit

www.ownawinningracehorse.com Racehorse ownership | racehorses for sale | racehorse syndicates | company racehorse ownership | Lease a racehorse

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5 Responses to “Own A Racehorse – Racehorse Syndicates”

  1. LayHorse Says:

    HORSE LAY – Horse Betting Losers


  2. HRTrendWizard Says:

    @lay4life Would love to accept your kind offer but will have to pass my friend. Thanks anyway and I hope your luck improves

  3. lay4life Says:

    never heard of this, but got no money left in bf acc anyway, and no in a bank as well, soo… have to say duno what to say really, would you give me 10k and i’ll give you 100£ a day for 365 days x36500£ ? The answer is no, very saad and nevermind.

  4. HRTrendWizard Says:

    checks back 20 minutes later…. still no comments !! 🙁

  5. HRTrendWizard Says:

    Well we thought it was a cool video even if nobody else wants to comment on it !!!!!!!!!!!

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