
US President Barack Obama was in Philadelphia this weekend to rally democrats ahead of November’s midterm elections. He got a little more than he bargained for on his trip when a book was thrown at his head and a little later President Obama dealt with a streaker looking to earn a few extra bucks, a million to be exact! Alki David creator of battlecam.com and filmon.com said that he will live up to the bet he made and pay the man who streaked, he even did some streaking of his own today.

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25 Responses to “Obama gets book to face, David gets his streaker”

  1. OWN3DH34D5H0TZ Says:

    Awesome Video :D

  2. stinkbegaaier Says:

    What a boss ;)

  3. iEatChickenz Says:

    Awesome… good to see rich people who arnt stuck up 🙂

  4. Ch11LeR Says:

    lol i wish all billionaires were like this

  5. TheDACV Says:

    @GonG108 I know I’m a little late to respond , but if you didn’t notice alki david is NOT American, He’s british.

  6. GonG108 Says:

    lock at this american assholes not enough that he is on the ground this motherfucker has to put his knee on his back ad the other son of a bitch his foot on his head , i don t know whats usual in the u.s but here in germany i would beat the hell out of this imbeciles

  7. RFjunk Says:


  8. sauceykat Says:

    Umm…Obama didn’t get a book “to the face” nor did he “dodge” it, he didn’t even know it was thrown at him (you can tell by the footage from different angles). Great journalistic fact-checking and reporting there, news station I’ve never even heard of!

  9. alen209 Says:

    he should of lubed himself up for he could break tackles from cops

  10. sniper6081 Says:

    A certain kind of personality to pull off? Anybody offered one million dollars would do that.

    Anyway, I like how she didn’t act like nothing happened like the douches on FOX or MSNBC. I hate it when they act like stiff boards. It’s so annoying.

  11. mcap52 Says:

    Another lie told by RT. He didn’t DODGE the book,he just stood there like the goof that he is. I guess his eyes were fixed on that darn tele-prompter and he didn’t see it.

  12. HIFI2222 Says:

    good job  don

  13. Tressco Says:

    Oh, later guys!
    Running Man’s on…

  14. TheRetiredtrucker Says:

    @Hirt1026 Ya think hes lookin for reason notto pay

  15. ShadyGrady3000 Says:

    he didn’t dodge it that shit didn’t come close

  16. SpenceDLoco Says:


  17. NWOconspired911 Says:

    i will give 1.5 million dollor[ my house] to anyone who trow human shit on obamas face

  18. zck7 Says:

    Someone should convince Priya that if she too were to streak, she’d become a gazillionaire.

  19. mekanik187 Says:


  20. Hirt1026 Says:

    Why do i get a feeling he is going to stiff the guy on the money

  21. aristotlestudent Says:

    You better give the man his million dollars and not come up with some bullshit and not pay him now.
    Hey, he didn’t hurt anybody, so be it.

  22. NataiEndo Says:

    give the guy his money….. its only going to devaluate and inflate…. if obama doesnt redistribute it

  23. ganjaking187 Says:

    give the guy his million, i dont think he will get it.

  24. 14842 Says:

    haha Crazy boy :XD

  25. CynosuralTheory Says:

    haha nice guest RT you guys bring fun to news

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