its just a great remix just wanted to share it, even tho its already uploaded ((LYRICS)) Attitude Kin of the Maasai With the spirit of a samurai Coincide with organic elements till I’m fortified The horror lies in some joints I explore the high points Stratosphere Others try to fly but I’m the baddest here Battle gear Shield, helmet, sword like the Lord Floored by the beauty while I soar Nihon the name sounds like a poem Roam for research Even if my feet hurt Still step and quiet kept Met energies befriending me Envy never meant to be It started last century With thought, never discouraging Landscapes that are flourishing with cherry blossom winds Fond of Koi ponds, watch the day as it begins Watch the night before it bends Boomerang effect return for what’s next and mic checks Flex a muscle through the hustle rustle feathers get the pay Meanwhile, beauty bombs this place GEISHAS IN THE DAYS A classic feel generates the seal Much respect to staying real cause… GEISHAS IN THE DAYS Used to keep bonds & complete charms In the city and the farm you know… GEISHAS IN THE DAYS Hold that spot, respect is all I got So hear the story as I talk about… GEISHAS IN THE DAYS Ancient times combined with the new Obliged to stay true like… Abstract Electronic settings Betting on reality Commonly placed on the edge minus the casualties Calligraphy takes shapes that make me understand I’m the centerpiece artist in God’s Great Plan From Cali to Japan respect High demands Cause I’m a

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25 Responses to “Nomak – “Geishas In The Days (Shin-Ski Remix)” Ft. Pismo”

  1. LittleMcdonald Says:

    Nujabes, 624 Pt. 1, almost same beat haha

  2. ProBasketball19 Says:

    finally , found real music

  3. AD1255 Says:


    Same man, I actually thought it was for a bit!

  4. eyuencw Says:

    @Chrismonchan true talks

  5. HelensTV Says:

    I love his music as well: Check the musican facebook page of Shin-Ski ( He needs more support): just put it after com -> /pages/Shin-ski-of-Martiangang­/243397345688126

  6. tiberiusgun Says:

    @DonTouchMyShades starve

  7. x3JenniePoo Says:

    Reminds me of the song “Battle Cry” from Samurai Champloo

  8. truthcloud Says:

    @MonkeysInMyHouse Glad to see someone young who appreciates and want to support artists instead of wanting everything for free.

  9. IAmPeteRockFan Says:

    I really prefer this beat to original. I especially like trumpet part :).

  10. kAToNROY Says:

    love the beat at 2:24

  11. AlexSHavok Says:

    Reminds me of Nujabes (RIB)

  12. MonkeysInMyHouse Says:

    Damn, I really wanna buy all Nujabes’s, Nomak’s, Blazo’s, and all the other guy’s albums, but I’m only 12 and i dont have a credit card.

  13. Spectermonkey Says:

    @Daliasan No problem, buddy. I’m always pleased to share! ;)

  14. Daliasan Says:

    @Spectermonkey Thanks so much for that! I had never listened to the original piece, it sounds nice, too! 😀

  15. Spectermonkey Says:

    Actually, after a bit of research, I found the song they took the sample from: ht__tp://listen.___grooveshark.____com/#/s/Remembrance/3rCCpK?src=5

    (Erase the Dashes that interupt the URl, and feel this.) 😉

  16. Spectermonkey Says:

    Likely; “Rememberance” was from a while ago. I’d direct you to a video link, but the George Winston cover is so obscure itself, that nobody’s posted it on youtube, yet. It’s not a long song either. It’s more like a simplistic jazz interlude than it is a full-blown song.

  17. Daliasan Says:

    @Spectermonkey Wasn’t that song by Hungry Giant released on Jan 2008? This is from April of the same year, maybe it wasn’t sampled from there, maybe both songs are parallel creative works 🙂

  18. MarioF4reallz Says:

    @DonTouchMyShades I know right? I tell people music is like breathing for me now, this ish is my sustenance! Just like breathing not getting enough of it will make turn blue(mess with me lol)

  19. jesseincalgary Says:

    i love this track……

    also check out my channel for some good hip hop tunes… pressure though

  20. anythingnew Says:


    If I make a tribute, I’ll include him

  21. AyeBrian Says:

    @Kaji9001 Ayyeee stockton hahaaa

  22. Spectermonkey Says:

    They sampled this from Hungry Giant- That, I’m willing to admit.

    I’m under the impression the piano sample used by Hungry Giant that Nomak used for this song was cut from a song by George Winston called “remembrance.”

    Funny thing is, I’m pretty sure “remembrance” is just a cover of an older version of the song that Vince guaraldi wrote.

    I guess you could say this is a “bastardized” song, through and through, with such variegated origins. I sure enjoy it though! 😉

  23. KuritaElite Says:


    Sufficiently satiated souls by this; the remedy.

  24. MasterDusk Says:

    Real Hip-Hop is the remedy we’ve all been looking for. Our souls are pleased.

  25. HipHopApostles Says:

    i am the creator of the “HipHopApostles” group on facebook and would like to share the real hip hop with the people who give respect to it

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