
are you kidding me? skip to the 00:45 for the 2nd call Bill Leavy doing it again, cheated on the Seahawks…now he’s doing this? I mean, these calls were pretty obvious, the fumble was obvious they even went and reviewed the play, yet…it’s not a fumble! are you kidding me? the 2nd call was more insane, “HIT TO THE HELMET?” oh wow… we’ve had a great playoff so far…please, we dont need these refs doing this in the NFL we don’t want to go back into the NBA days with the refs cheating/betting on the games!!! By the way..congrats to the New York Giants, and also the GreenBay Packers for a great season! All Copyright goes to the NFL and the FOX network!

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25 Responses to “NFL REFS doing NBA style…WOW!!! Giants @ Packers”

  1. viper22jc Says:

    @Namath1000 if you go by what you said, pause at 2:08. The ball is stripped out at that point and his feet is the only thing touching the ground.

  2. Namath1000 Says:

    @vdcptv2012 I don’t know. This play is very close. It looks to me like the ball did come out before HIS CALF touched the ground making him down. But I’m not sure the replay is conclusive enough to overturn the call made on the field.

  3. vdcptv2012 Says:

    @Namath1000 so that was the right call?

  4. Namath1000 Says:

    @vdcptv2012 Very wrong. If any party of his body other than his feet or his hands hits the ground, the runner is down. When his calf or his thigh hits the ground he is DOWN. It could even be an ankle or a wrist and he’d be down. This call is far less obvious to fans that actually know the rules

  5. Henrydking95 Says:

    Bill Leavy-14
    Thats what it should have been!LOL
    NYG all day baby

  6. FearTheLivingDFG Says:

    So much wrong is this game.

    1. The Fumble (or the not fumble)
    2. DJ Ware Spot was terrible (Made them punt)
    3. Helmet to Helmet on Rodgers
    4. All the PF on Eli that weren’t called (Especially with refs right behind him)

    So in conclusion the refs suck and need to be fired asap.

  7. docnateizzy Says:

    A couple of those refs had big money down somewhere. Or were being paid to favor the packers….

  8. fancyviper Says:

    “blow to the head?” my ass. eli was getting countless blows to the head and of course they never threw a flag. roger goodell is behind this shit. they wanted saints and packers for nfc title gmae. watch the new orleans vs SF and Detriot all bull shit calls and then this. smh….
    GO GIANTS!!!

  9. kevbew63 Says:

    Bill Leavy needs to be fired. He’s shown that he sucks already in super bowl XL and now this past weekend. Either one of those should be enough to send him packing.

  10. vdcptv2012 Says:

    @BlackSmoothie91 im glad the better team won that game though

  11. BlackSmoothie91 Says:

    @vdcptv2012 hell yeah. my grandfather and i were yelling at the tv.. pissed me off too much!

  12. vdcptv2012 Says:

    @BlackSmoothie91 refs trying to take over the game, its sickening, as a fan, i just want to watch a good officiating game…it’s the damn playoff, refs…please take time when you’re reviewing a play

  13. BlackSmoothie91 Says:

    @vdcptv2012 there was also a bad touchdown call. packers go for on of their touchdown passes. it clearly touched the ground… idk what quarter though. lol

  14. vdcptv2012 Says:

    @Namath1000 gotta be his either his knee or his elbow

  15. squidais Says:

    Ref were trying to help packers win.

  16. Namath1000 Says:

    It looks like a fumble but it’s a lot closer than people are making it out to be. I’m not sure it’s enough to reverse the on-field call. Remember, you don’t have to wait for his knee to be down. A runner is down when any part of his body other than his hands or his feet hits the ground. Watch is thigh and his calf — they are down before his knee is.

  17. rockstorm96 Says:

    There were plenty of roughing the passer calls they missed on Eli, and don’t forget DJ Ware’s run on 3rd down where the ref made a terrible spot

  18. 1933goudey Says:

    How is this not a fumble? Then the personal foul…What is he looking at? FIXED!

  19. RaidersSuk4Life Says:

    Bill Leavy likes to call bad calls all the damn time

  20. TheDavid2622 Says:

    Bill Leavy should be investiaged and/or not allowed to work another NFL game. What a crook. First he overrides the the closer offical’s fumble call with the wrong call. Then he goes to the booth and misses the obvious correction. Plus he had at least two blown calls in the game.

  21. joedoys Says:

    surprised he got up from that, nasty.

  22. asdf112233ism Says:

    Seriously, Bill Leavy’s penalties were the only reason’s the Packers scored that game (no disrespect to the Packers intended) and if it wasn’t for those call, the score would probably be like 44-6 or 40-6 or something, but odds are, without those penalties and terrible fumble call, the packers wouldn’t have seen the endzone

  23. NoFunniNamesLeft Says:

    I’m surprised some of the Packers players didn’t go up to the offical afterwords to shake his hand and slip him a 20.

  24. Knickmet2 Says:

    Blow to the Head my ass

  25. JustAnEpicVideo Says:

    The first one…wow..horrible.
    Then with the second one he did NOT come late, did NOT drive him into the ground, and did NOT go head-to-head. By not driving him into the ground, he clearly held back as he could. Horrible calls.

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