
Mohammad Amir – original song

Author : Betting on Profit

A huge cricket fan, I watched this summer’s fourth Test Match between England and Pakistan enthralled, first by England’s astonishing collapse at the hands of Pakistan’s 18 year old left-handed fast bowling prodigy, Mohammad Amir, who swung the ball late and barely playably at almost 90mph, and then by the amazing, world record eighth wicket partnership between Jonathan Trott and Stuart Broad that turned the game on its head. The brilliance of these three players’ performances (and later in the game, the bowling of Graeme Swann) would in itself have made this a match to remember for many a year. Sadly, the revelations in the Sunday press alleging that three no-balls had been deliberately bowled as part of a betting scam during England’s innings, two of them by Amir, meant that this Test Match will now be remembered for all the wrong reasons. At the time of writing, the allegations have not been proven, but they have caused understandable and almost universal outrage amongst lovers of cricket. There have been widespread calls for any players involved in the scam to be banned for life. I wrote the words of this song because I believe, shocked as I am by what is alleged to have taken place, that Mohammad Amir, whether or not he is guilty, probably doesn’t deserve such a harsh punishment as a lifetime ban. The players in the alleged betting scam are small fry in comparison to those whose cynicism and manipulative skills make such corruption possible, and youngsters in their

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25 Responses to “Mohammad Amir – original song”

  1. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @redparrot99 It is, and Feltham has a reputation as a tough place. I hope he gets through it unscathed.

  2. redparrot99 Says:

    “6 months is a lot for a kid”

  3. oldfolkiepad Says:

    Agreed, I have to admit, but I still think Amir is probably the least culpable of the four who have now been convicted. More details are still emerging from the trial, and we have still to hear what pressures were brought upon him to cheat in return for a much smaller amount of money than Butt or Asif. Majeed, the agent who paid them, is the key, I think. He pleaded guilty at the pre-trial hearing but we’ve still heard very little about his activities. I want to know more!
    Best wishes,

  4. redparrot99 Says:

    Looks like the wrong answers were publicly shown

  5. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @dabishah Many thanks for your kind remarks. The trial has at last started today; my fingers are crossed that the full truth will come out and that Mohammad Amir in particular will be exonerated.
    Best wishes,

  6. dabishah Says:

    thanx paddy showing the love for pakistan especially talent once agians thanky u paddy very much……..

  7. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @killamindz138 Thank you very much – I’m delighted that you enjoyed it.
    Every good wish,

  8. killamindz138 Says:

    God bless you and thank you for the touching song.

  9. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @JahangirJahangir1 I agree with you about cleaning up the PCB and about Pakistan’s ability to produce outstanding bowlers. As for Amir making a comeback, if his ban remains in place, I think you are probably right there, too. However, if he is exonerated at his trial (and I still believe there is a good chance that this may happen) then the ban ought to be lifted straight away. In such circumstances, I would be very surprised if were not reselected at the first opportunity.
    Best wishes,

  10. JahangirJahangir1 Says:

    Mohammed Amir will never come back.
    Even if returns after 5, 7 years he hadn´t been there wenn his
    services were needed.
    100 Amirs will come, 100 Amir are waiting and even more are born every day
    in Pakistan.
    Just get PCB clean.
    Get the corruption removed, and they all will come.

  11. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @bigbad1000do7a Your words are most kind – thank you. I hope you have a nice day yourself.
    Best wishes,

  12. bigbad1000do7a Says:

    @oldfolkiepad No apology necessary sir. I have to apologize on how our board acted after the whole incident, the chairman was out of line so many times. It is so frustrating to watch people who arent representative, or have any interest for the betterment of Pakistan cricket run the system. The recent Afridi saga is just another chapter in our sad story.

    However, It is good to see how ever people like you. LIke someone else said, people like you put the Great in Britain. Have a nice day.

  13. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @navim49 I’m sure you’re right about the ubiquity of the problem, yet somehow it feels worse in the context of sport, which by definition should be about play rather than business, and fair play, in every sense, at that. Many thanks for commenting, and your kind remarks.
    Best wishes,

  14. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @Lowdenjim Thank you very much!
    Best wishes,

  15. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @bigbad1000do7a I think you are absolutely right; one can only hope that Amir’s name will be cleared at the forthcoming trial and that the PCB takes real action to ensure that young players can never again be subjected to the sorts of pressure that led to the whole sorry incident. Please accept my apologies for not replying sooner; I spent several weeks away from YouTube and I’m still trying to catch up!
    Best wishes,

  16. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @hamzatatu Thank you very much! I agree with you about Amir’s absence from the world cup; even without him, Pakistan did very well. Please accept my apologies for not replying sooner; I spent several weeks away from YouTube and I’m still trying to catch up!
    Best wishes,

  17. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @randomstuffhater Thank you for your very kind words. Please accept my apologies for not replying sooner; I spent several weeks away from YouTube and I’m still trying to catch up!
    Best wishes,

  18. navim49 Says:

    You are a talented wordsmith Paddy.This is a touching song to a gifted bowler who we are unlikely to see again. You are right to place the blame on the shadowy fat cats who turned the head of such a talented young bowler. Regrettably there are many such people who spread their greedy tentacles over more than just sport.

  19. Lowdenjim Says:

    Great song Paddy!

  20. bigbad1000do7a Says:

    He is a child. Not educated much, new to money and fame, Bookmakers are more than double his age with years of experience. PCB gives new players no protection/education whatsoever. He had no chance.

    Our most talented star was taken from us. As a Pakistani cricket fan and as a Pakistani in general, you dont know how much it hurts. to see a young kid preyed and devoured by the world like this.

  21. qaipak1 Says:

    Wont miss that cheat.

    He sold the country.

  22. hamzatatu Says:

    Excellent song paddy …we surely missed amir in this world cup ..had he been in our team ,the result would have been be quite different

  23. randomstuffhater Says:

    Paddy i wish there were more people like you on this earth !

  24. oldfolkiepad Says:

    @Lakers280 I agree with you entirely. It will be fascinating to see whether evidence of this sort of pressure being brought to bear on Amir comes out at the trial in May. It’s important that the players’ agent is on trial, as well as the three players. What emerges about his role in the whole affair will, I think, be key to determining the degree to which Amir may be seen as culpable. Thanks for commenting!
    Best wishes,

  25. Lakers280 Says:

    ICC’s suspension of Amir is ridiculous, he’s what 17/18 year old, who knows what could of happened if he didn’t bowl the no-ball, people are crazy these days, he might of lossed his spot on team, he or his family could have been threatened by these mobs and bookies, I recall another Pakistan player had to give up playing cricket because of threats against him and his family.

    Now for Butt and Asif on the other hand I don’t feel sorry, they know better been at cricket for long time.

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