
Mitt Romney offers a 10k bet to Rick Perry FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

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24 Responses to “MITT ROMNEY OFFERS RICK PERRY $10000 BET 12-10-11”

  1. rdscks Says:

    @jdearman77 You can’t really be asking for military intervention in Iran? We’re not doing nothing. Iran has tough sanctions on them by the US. Obama administrations had a record amount of deportations, although illegal immigrants are essential to our economy. Most of us aren’t willing to work in fields. The economy is getting better (although I doubt it will be in the coming months “gas prices”) I agree that Obama is not the best, but there is not a strong republican candidate, obama wins 12′

  2. ArtieLangeXM Says:

    @inbred77 shhhh redneck, let the adults talk


  3. samuelb025 Says:



  4. maddogspc Says:

    Not only is this cock sucker a Mormon, he avoided the Draft during the Vietnam War, by going on a mormon religious mission to France, in which the government gave him a “Ministerial Deferment”. So before you go voting for this religious extremist, remember that he IS probably the anti-christ.

  5. djgabrielpresents Says:

    @jdearman77 is scary but true…Our military is in Afghanistan while our border is not safe. Anyone can come in and danger our country. We have 900 bases around the world i think is time to close some of them and bring them to our border.

  6. jdearman77 Says:

    I’ll BET YOU $10,000 That the way Obama is wasting trillions of dollars left and right and the job rate is still low, and we still have an illegal immigration problem, and obama is doing nothing except visiting Disney World while Iran develops a nuclear weapon right before our eyes, that Obama wont last a second term! ONE AND DONE! GOT MITT? 🙂

  7. pyrodeity Says:

    Of who’s money……love the way he just throws contributors money around

  8. jandean61 Says:

    10k Mitt wins S.C

  9. eucitizens Says:

    Vote Ron Paul, the most honest US politician!

  10. despabikes Says:

    BUSH & his 8 years in office is what started this mess and Obama inherited it!! Idiots like Mitt Romney try to fool people into thinking it all started in 2008 with Obama! GIVE ME A BREAK! Obama is cleaning the Republican created mess right now!

    The American auto industry bail out is a highly underrated accomplishment of Obama; look where it is now, and where it’s going to be in the future!!! Right now Newt Gingrich is campainig in a GM buit car!

    OBAMA 2012

  11. timm9 Says:

    Whos better looking mitt or rick??

  12. MrSomeidiot13 Says:

    What was he betting

  13. m2diggs Says:

    Pete Rose would be disgusted at this douche!!!

  14. Pilgrim812 Says:

    GOP candidates: Go back under your rocks.

  15. Xclibur2001 Says:

    10,000 Dollars is chump change to these a–holes; To me, that is a credit card payment in full, food on the table with the leftover money, and maybe even a down payment for a used small pickup truck
    Does America really need a douche-bag gambler in the most important office of this country??? Here we are struggling with this toilet economy and this prick is gambling money like he’s in Las Vegas. F–k the GOP and their “Fatten my wallet antics.”

  16. 32walter79 Says:

    help get these corporate backed politicians out of congress.

    Support Ron Paul.

    Google “Political positions of Ron Paul” And look at the Wiki links or ThePoliticalGuide

    this man has been fighting for your personal freedom and separation of congress from big business for years.

    check your state for instructions on voting: bluerepublican . org/welcome-to-blue-republican­/

    if you can afford it please donate at Ronpaul2012 . com or ronpaulbrochure . com

    Spread Awareness.

  17. smurf073 Says:

    FUCK YOU MITT ROMNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. TheOriginalKingD Says:

    Looks like Obama is getting a second term since the only sensible candidate is Ron Paul and every tries to ignore him

  19. GOD719 Says:

    @AufstiegRP Damn straight. He also was the only one in Texas that voted NO against bill S. 1867 National Defense Authorization Act which allows the military to use Martial Law in the United States to apprehend “suspects” indefinitely without trial. He also voted against the Patriot Act which Newt Gingrich supports and Newt will support S.1867 NDAA. Wake up people. We need Ron Paul or America is gone

  20. jdeloatch64 Says:

    Look at Perry’s face 0:26 in. That’s the face of a man who’s watching another man commit political suicide.

  21. killerchipmunkattack Says:

    @Stringyheads Um he doesn’t need taxpayer money, he has USD$250 million of his own.

    Anyway the US republican race is one of the funnyest things iv ever seen

  22. clovis86 Says:

    Ron Paul is the only GOP candidate who isn’t running for his own ego.

  23. FWFUTAH Says:

    Lol betting is against Mormons beliefs and coffee… but 4 wife’s they like lol…

  24. CallMeSmash Says:

    that’s awkward. lol. 

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