An armed robber trying to fund a drug habit has instead been flattened by a chair. The extraordinary courage of witness Martin Richardson was captured on CCTV at a betting shop in Burley in Leeds. The gun was pointed directly at him. But without a single thought for his own safety he picked up a chair and fought back.

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25 Responses to “Member of public attacks masked gunman with chair at bookmakers”

  1. zahinster Says:

    good on him, but if it was a loaded gun, he would be fucked

  2. JLangevin Says:

    @roquefort88888 I guess the sad part is you actually believe what is you are writing here. So I guess the only time someone is threatened is if the person actually shoots someone? Otherwise, its just an idle action? I’m not sorry to say, but you are stupid.

  3. Zephyesa Says:

    @MrPigeon83 too many mommys boys now, most robbers are mommys boys too, they just rely on people being cowards to get what they want.

  4. MrPigeon83 Says:

    I wish there was more men of his calibre around nowdays, society has gone soft.

  5. roquefort88888 Says:

    “Yeah, a guy bludgeoning an armed robber who is pointing his gun at a clerk as well as the chair-swinger himself, is the violent one. It’s not self-defense or anything.”

    You may have meant your comment ironically, but if you examine it you will see it is factually correct. Anyone bludgeoning anyone is indeed a “violent one”, by definition. And no, it’s not “self-defence” – the man with the chair was not being threatened. But no, robbery need not involve any violence.

  6. roquefort88888 Says:

    A complete idiot? In that case, I’m more than willing to learn from a partial idiot such as yourself.
    Where did I go wrong?
    Are you saying that pointing a toy gun at someone is violent?
    Or that hitting someone with a chair is non-violent?
    Or hasn’t your analysis progressed that far yet?

  7. Justicar1 Says:

    @roquefort88888 You sir, are a complete idiot

  8. CMWxJSKWovLS12 Says:

    haha go on martin lad

  9. comanchio1976 Says:

    @roquefort88888 Are you certain it was a toy? Was the guy hitting him certain it was a toy?
    Unless you’ve categorically answered those questions, you’re argument is nonsense.

    If someone is directly threatening you with a lethal weapon, you’re well within your rights to use deadly force to subdue them. He’s lucky that he got off so lightly.

  10. Grimezhahaha Says:

    @TrueAiR loooooooool

  11. peterp21 Says:

    @HeavyBroadKastin Well, that may be, but Martin wasn’t robbing that store, that night. So his actions are heroic enough, IMO.

  12. peterp21 Says:

    @roquefort88888 This may qualify as the stupidest comment I have ever read on YouTube. And with the amount of abject stupidity on YouTube, that is REALLY saying something. Yeah, a guy bludgeoning an armed robber who is pointing his gun at a clerk as well as the chair-swinger himself, is the violent one. It’s not self-defense or anything. BTW, dope, robbery itself is a violent act, weapon or not.

  13. mavrick1985 Says:

    The bloke in the yellow is a rugby player and a bouncer. He’s friends with my gf’s dad. He’s only short but damn has he got sone strength.

  14. Hazz861 Says:


  15. 8inchirish Says:

    @roquefort88888 And when the gun goes off and kills someone is it still non violent? when someone points a gun at you they are potentially putting your life at risk, it someone lifts a chair and threatens to hit you with it they are risking causing a bump, which is the worst? if you point a toy gun at a policeman he will shoot you dead because he has no way of knowing if it is real or fake? he won’t be so worried about a chair.
    SO Guns = risk of death Chairs = a sore head or arm/shoulder ?

  16. roquefort88888 Says:


    You’re confusing (attempted) robbery with violence.
    Trying to carry out a robbery by pointing a toy gun at someone is non-violent.
    Hitting someone forcefully with a chair is violent.
    I don’t need to know the man personally to conclude he is violent – I can see it with my own eyes.

  17. smirtch Says:

    doesnt matter if the gun is fake or not, it probably was real. Most robbers have no intentions of using guns, hell most of them keep the safety on.

  18. travisingram88 Says:


  19. hollandskomkommer Says:

    I saw the original tape without the wrong titles…
    The man in yellow ( ex-football player ) saw it was a fake gun and slammed the fucker down with a char

  20. mrseaweed1000 Says:

    what a hero

  21. biograffiti Says:

    good job

  22. GreenApple968 Says:

    He deserved more than £250. Sure bet the guy working there was grateful.

  23. SuperAamir99 Says:

    He brought a gun to a chair fight….

  24. Gouryello Says:

    Earn some money? By sticking a gun in peoples faces? How about getting a REAL job? Bum!

  25. justzchill Says:

    thumbs up if you thing the gun is fake

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