Journalist Nomi Prins talks with Alex about Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein hiring a major criminal-defense lawyer following the financial company betting against its own clients. Nomi’s latest book is It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street. She worked on Wall Street as a managing director at Goldman Sachs and ran the international analytics group at Bear Stearns in London.

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25 Responses to “Journalist Nomi Prins: Blankfein Hires Criminal-Defense Lawyer to Save His Skin 1/2”

  1. DickOPlenty Says:

    from AP – on Friday the govt sued 17 financial firms for selling Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac toxic mortgage-backed securities. Among those sued were Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., JP Morgan Chase & Co., & Goldman Sachs Group Inc., The Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays Bank & Credit Suisse. Also sued Ally Financial Inc., Deutsche Bank AG, First Horizon National Corp., General Electric Co., HSBC North America Holdings Inc., Morgan Stanley, Nomura Holding America Inc., & Societe Generale

  2. hummarstra Says:

    That’s a nice picture of Nomi ten years ago.

  3. cabfa18wg Says:

    she said giverment lol i like that

  4. cabfa18wg Says:

    buy ammo food and guns look at all these black mobs in the us beating whitey arm yourself people supply your self protect your self .stand up for your self when a snake pops up kill it

  5. redman7771red17 Says:


  6. IIxSmgYxII Says:


  7. Ranger4564 Says:

    @Ranger4564 Sorry, PrinS not PrinZ.

  8. Ranger4564 Says:

    It’s obvious Ms. Prinz does not recognize this as a strategy, even as Alex laid out for her. It is obvious she thinks they’re just bumbling fools. The Bankers have shown they are not dumb, so I am positive this is a planned implosion as Alex says, and therefore I ‘m convinced Ms. Prinz is wrong about her conclusions. How can she imagine she has more insight than the thieves who hired her to do their work by misleading her, until she became aware enough to quit? Please, the arrogance is damaging.

  9. Ranger4564 Says:

    The thing most people are not putting together is that Blankfein / Dimon / Bernanke etc work for the financiers. The Banks are not independent, they work for the financiers. Soros and Buffet are being played, to drop them in the interest of the financiers. Most people think Soros or Buffet are the same league as the financiers but that’s not true. Soros recognized the assault and is in protection mode. Buffet probably had no choice for the investment. Soros / Buffet will likely be looted also.

  10. crxI22 Says:

    @MultiSamsoon then you may as well say why should someone be president, why should we have congress, why should we have governors or any leaders in anything for that matter, i guess you wish we were still living in the stone age or something where it was all chaos and no order to anything, obviously someone has to make money otherwise anybody can just say anything is money and buy and get what ever they want, and obviously money is owed back at interest otherwise banks would have +/- 0 profits.

  11. RandyBful1 Says:

    @D4Shawn: I doubt if ANY of those banksters need to worry about where their next meal is coming from. Warren Buffet (who said he and other billionaires should pay more taxes) just invested 5 billion dollars in the Bank of America…and the rich get richer!

  12. DickOPlenty Says:

    they probably will get away with it because americans are dumb

  13. jjcale1111 Says:

    @fnd111 Only a Bachman supporter would want a financial analyst for AG…. LOL.

    How can you support a former IRS enforcer who left her church of more than 10 years (which teaches that the Pope is the AntiChrist) just so she could be more competitive in heavily Roman Catholic Iowa.

    … c’mon man… you listen to AJ… surely youre awake enough to know that Bachman is an opportunist. She’s phoney.

    Put her in and she will serve the elites just like almost all the others.

  14. LongueTiedNoLunger Says:

    Always one of your better guests. Nomi is a respected analyst and hard-hitting journalist.

    Very timely comments with all the Warren Buffett craziness going on.

  15. TheStartrekkid Says:

    Real News

  16. fnd111 Says:

    I nominate Nomi Prinz for Attorney General in the forthcoming Bachmann administration! FND Lafayette, CO

  17. MultiSamsoon Says:

    Why should some individuals have to have the power to print on paper and call it money? And people have to pay INTEREST on the debt, which can come into the system only as more debt. Basically a system which can only lead to banks owning everything. Educate yourself, if you are not a troll….else stfu vatican agent.

  18. jeremydb71 Says:

    Canadian Banks are buy up American assets! We are buy property in Florida and California. Hopefully our banking structure will slowly creep into America and buy up assets and give Americans an opportunity to invest in banks properly run. Not that they are perfect but way better then the American banks. Seriously Canadian banks are setting up shop in the States and competing for the money and slowly they will win. Americans will have way more security with their money in Canadian banks!

  19. DickOPlenty Says:

    @DickOPlenty or is it “commentators”? whatever, i think i had a george w. bush moment lol

  20. pikaparka1 Says:

    Not all jews are.evil jesus..dont be so ignorant…wow…i dont like hassidic jews..bit who neighbor is.jewish..hes.must a white dudd from upstate

  21. singledad1234 Says:

    when will people wake up  ronpaul2012 com
    when will people want to be FREE what man was meant to be FREE AND INDEPENDANT

  22. Bidmartinlo Says:

    @Baldwynmayhem Letting humanty being devoid of hate and greed is exactly one way to conquer the world, meaning we might easily fall if we actually meet humanoid creatures up in space. Then it’s just back to the old ways, surviving on scraps. We can’t all be passive and spirutual, then we’ll lose.
    Defeat/ extinction is not an option! Once we have uncovered the sercrets of the universe and beyond, maybe then we can rest easy. Intill then: Ever vigilant!

  23. redeem72 Says:

    never will i trust a jew, if you are a jew keep away from me, and i definitely will keep away from you fucking diseased scum

  24. redeem72 Says:

    but nomi prins should get ass fucked for sure all day long

  25. redeem72 Says:

    ever notice how these jews position themselves, all i see is these jews on conservative right wing talkshows, all jews for exmple mark stein sitting in for good ole rush oxycotin limbaugh spewing bullshit, in canada we got this fucking guy charles adler mr right wing canada as well as michael coren i see this guy defending catholicism hardcore but when it comes to israel his true jew colors shine all too brightly, these jews man one day they are a communist the next al-qeda, then the pope..bull

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