
John Hathaway vs Jack Mason

Author : Betting on Profit

Sept 20 at the Troxy in London, England

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24 Responses to “John Hathaway vs Jack Mason”

  1. ThOutRider2 Says:

    thats muscular endurance not strength (sorry i didnt reply properly but im on my mobile so i dont have the reply batton) what ever

  2. TirnanUFC Says:

    @Shadowslamer Yeah even though I can do 50 consecutive push ups and 8 pull ups…….

  3. Shadowslamer Says:

    @TirnanUFC You just think he is extra strong cuz you are extra weeak

  4. TirnanUFC Says:

    Where the fuck is all that strength coming from??!! Lol

  5. yeahhhbuddy100 Says:

    @jkerry i agree, that would be a great fight too!

  6. jkerry Says:

    one day hathaway and rory mcdonald will fight each other for the ww title

  7. Brettm010 Says:

    he’s mint hathaway like but lost his 1st fight on points last week

  8. bigbadbrainz Says:

    Hathaway will be a title contender in next year or 2 he’s one of the the new breed of mixed martial artists along with Jon jones and big Charles oliviera

  9. 24fightingirish Says:

    hathaway is the real deal!!!

  10. ThOutRider2 Says:

    english gsp

  11. rebeliza Says:

    hathaway’s sik!

  12. 01marlm Says:

    @Zttbm your clever lol

  13. tldevilsh Says:

    1:54 the guy did the leg trip wrong way with his grip…maybe too eager to take him down

  14. damobb510 Says:

    wow and they call this nuts tv

  15. Ac3FLY1 Says:

    great guilitine throw

  16. Gibi92 Says:

    What a bitch

  17. cnok001 Says:

    weak tap

  18. JimiB1984 Says:

    Looking forward to watching him this Saturday.

  19. tomwalker389 Says:

    Jackie Mason?

  20. Kagemusha08 Says:

    Hathaway could be the best young fighter the UK has got right now. Sanchez is a big step up in competition though. He’s got plenty of holes in his game (stiff doesn’t even begin to describe his striking, he’s vulnerable to takedowns) but I’m not sure that Hathaway will be able to handle his pace. Bit experience gap as well. I guess I’m rooting for the limey though, since he seems like a cool guy (cooler than Diego for sure).

  21. Zttbm Says:

    Hathaway will beat Deigo by UD

  22. louiedovey Says:


  23. Viperguy896 Says:

    @warriorprince1010 Who is a tough talking youtuber???

  24. warriorprince1010 Says:

    @Viperguy896  I love tough talking youtubers,I want to be one some day.

    Sanchez i favorite but Hathaway has a chance.

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