
Hugh Hendry and Nassim Taleb February 2010

Author : Betting on Profit

Nassim Taleb and Hugh Hendry about their strategies for 2010 Source: pragcap.com “Hugh Hendry” “Nassim Taleb” Hendry Taleb inflation deflation hyperinflation euro USD dollar forex economy bubble

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24 Responses to “Hugh Hendry and Nassim Taleb February 2010”

  1. Shannmeister Says:

    @pipzzo Having met Hugh a couple of times I think he is simply on the side of proving the failure of politicians, central bankers, economists and market participants to understand and yet still exaggerate economic conditions and market movements and place too much store on the arrogance of the human condition.

  2. eurotrash239 Says:

    @Ftfmglen so how u feeling now about the Greek default ?

  3. theporksicle Says:

    I think Taleb is great to stick his head above the parapet on the hyperinflation front, not a lot of people with skin in the game (i.e. hedge fund types, bankers, the wealthy in general for that matter) will countenance the possibility of hyperinflation.
    It may be worth owning a few deep out of the money calls as well as deep out of the money puts, if gold is selling for $10 million an ounce because of hyperinflation then paying $5,000 an ounce for it will be a joke.

  4. pipzzo Says:

    Look 4:40 When the guy behind Hugh makes a Masonic signal under his nose with his fingers and High ” Grand Master” !!!!! emm ok well your right by the looks of things , whos side are you really on Hugh?

  5. ChristopherAdderley Says:

    Ftmglen do you honestly think Greece will probably not default? lol..

  6. Ftfmglen Says:

    How wrong they were on treasury bonds…Hugh and Nassim..if you look back were dead wrong..except for metals. Greece hasn’t defaulted and probably will not. The real risk takers are the ones who screwed the economy in the first place. Hugh thought Japan was going back to 40,000 5 years ago. Don’t listen to his, just as he doesn’t listen to others.

  7. elimar008 Says:

    i would be more carefull with my silver holding and go with the guaranted winner, gold

  8. rh7onda7 Says:

    hugh is so cute sometimes
    he looks like a naughty schoolboy lol

  9. TruthAxe Says:

    Two guys worthy of your time — Marc Faber and Hugh Hendry.

    Is Nassim Taleb an academician, a book writer?

  10. eatandtravel Says:


    Hugh Hendry purchased put options on twenty companies that do businesss in China. I read that on Zero Hedge.

  11. eatandtravel Says:


    I think Hendry was talking about buying credit default swaps on Greece, Spain, and Portugal’s debt. If there is bailout on the Greek, Spanish, Portuguese bonds, he loses out on his premium. If the nations default, Hendry will make a killing similiar to Paulson with housing.

  12. carolako2801 Says:

    Why would he tell you anything that you are not going to understand without thousands of hours of in-depth research you nitwit!

  13. tseland Says:

    And Marc Faber!

  14. berkeley73 Says:


    “What I call gold is not what you call gold!
    What I call gold has more silver, more palladium, other intelligent metals…”

    “I have about 18 different instruments.
    I build them as a cocktail – that one would hyperventilate…”

  15. ariksan Says:

    Nice to see that even withouth the keynesian clowns – if you put two independent thinkers like Taleb and Hendry into a room they can respectfuly disagree. I’m following both of them. It’s healthy to hear different perspectives (as long as they arn’t Keynesians ;)).

  16. Durchbrechen Says:

    CDS on japanese corporations gor betting against interest rates movements ?

    I thaught Hendry had used a classic short strangle

  17. EuropeanAmericanMan Says:

    lol this video will not tell you the trade. If you find out what the trade is, please let me know as well, I think there are quite a few people interested in his idea.

  18. Durchbrechen Says:

    Hendry thinks yelds will not rise. He’s still a deflationist. The 75 % is done using an option betting against yield’s volatility.

    As Hendry says:
    “I get paid money every day underwriting the risk that the BOE will cut rates further. I use that to cheapen an option which say “I don’t think the Bank of England, and ECB, is going to raise rates in the next 4 months.” And if nothing happens i make 5 times my money. If they raise rates, I lose my premium”

  19. myyootube Says:

    By treasuries rising, are you referring to yield or price?

    If the FED leaves rates alone, I would think there would be no effect on either price or yield.

    When the FED raises rates, bond prices will fall and this in combination with the fear of inflation/hyperinflation buyers will flea long term maturities – this will provide the opportunity to short. Probably what is happening in Greece now.

    If the FED leaves rates as is for an “Extended Periord” how do you make 75% on this trade?

  20. martialarm Says:

    he is talking a bet on treasuries will rise and actually the whole world expects them to go down. Opposite Talabs third bet.

    Hugh believes that interest in USA will not rise or if it does the economy will be killed and even the speculators dont want that so treasuries do actually find buyers. US buyers mainly..

    You can see this in Hughs face when Talab is talking and especially when Hugh says to Talab “Fuc.k Y.ou” at 3.12.

  21. Durchbrechen Says:

    following the link on the sidebar you can watch the full conference. If I remember well there are other speakers and a question time but Hendry doesn’t talk about that any more.
    Not sure anyhow. Check it out.
    (click on Eng at the bottom of the video, otherwise you get the russian translation)

  22. myyootube Says:

    Thanks for posting.

    Are there any other videos from this conference.

    Specifically, Hendry discussing the investment with 1.5% downside and a 75% upside.

    Please advise

  23. adinfinite Says:

    good stuff….thanks!

  24. vcdrob Says:

    Hendry and Taleb! What an awesome combination of views. Thank you for uploading!!!

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