
How To Win At Horse Racing

Author : Betting on Profit

stewart147.cashmast.hop.clickbank.net This video will show you how to make a steady but substantial income from simply betting on horse races and will be backed up with proof when I show 83 days worth of my bank statements. If you would like to share in my success, simply visit this link to purchase the system that I used … http

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20 Responses to “How To Win At Horse Racing”

  1. hardings930 Says:

    @eachwaywonga why would i need the service if my system works? Dont spam on my videos mate, do it on your own 😉

  2. hardings930 Says:

    @MrGdimarketing Yeah greyhounds r far 2 risky though. The profit from what u say seems similar 2 my system. Im showing all transactions TO THE BOOKMAKERS & withdrawals FROM THE BOOKMAKERS & totalling it up as I go along so that people can c that £3,500 more was withdrawn from the bookie than was deposited. It works in Australia, though depending on which sub system u use, u may need 2 find ur own version of the racing post paper or website which is our betting stats site/paper. Hope that helps.

  3. MrGdimarketing Says:

    hardings930: There is a greyhound system out there that is level betting and made $6,000 profit in 90 days if you are interested, just google greyhound system $6000 in 90 days. There are a couple of other ones around as well. Anyway back to your horse racing system, I am a little confused as to your bank statements, are you showing debits as well as deposits and also can I use this system in Australia?

  4. hardings930 Says:

    @sub45qe such a scam that you can see it in the bank statements you thick shit

  5. hardings930 Says:

    @katyZaf I dont know. I just picked it from Youtubes music list. The banned me for using ‘Money For Nothing’. lol

  6. hardings930 Says:

    @greyerg how is betting on horses a pyramid scheme you ass. lol

  7. katyZaf Says:

    hey, i love the music! What is it???

  8. hardings930 Says:

    yeah because of course you didnt want to watch this video, thats why you clicked on it. lol

  9. Gizmo147Lexus Says:

    Very interesting Stewart, might well take another look once my other tools are working properly.
    Will check out the tunes when I have a moment as well.
    Nice one!

  10. hardings930 Says:

    Sounds impressive. Beware of doubling up or the Martingale system as they call it. It’s a road to ruin eventually. I’ve tried it. Stay lucky though and thx for the comment

  11. TheCouncellor Says:

    i have a sure way of winnin on the dogs 100% no lies i can guartee one win out of every meeting but you have to double up each time has to be 6 dogs 12 races. i can tell you how to get one win every meeting. only one win per meetingtrouble is i do not know what race you will get the win befor the kast race works every time…

  12. hardings930 Says:

    Cool. By all means forward it on if you think they would be interested

  13. guitarsix6 Says:

    Yeah cool vid I’ve a few m8’s who might also be interested in your vid.5*

  14. hhDarth68 Says:

    cool Music, Get in Funky Right Music

  15. funkystory Says:

    hope you continue to win!
    have a good time!

  16. hardings930 Says:

    I wouldn’t worry, as long as you don’t click on anything in e-mails and are over a secure page your safe then you would be going to the cash machine. Trouble is people put all their personal data on their Facebook page and wonder why they get conned. lol Keep winning!

  17. hardings930 Says:

    I believe you my friend. You know I have a mate who says I lost money doing this and he’s now seen my video with my bank statements and he still says I didn’t win. lol

  18. hardings930 Says:

    Can be a lot of fun. I like the greyhound racing myself. Haven’t found a system for that though. lol

  19. elczanka Says:

    And, it interesting. Thank you. Congratulations.

  20. mrdee11091 Says:

    thanks you must be a lucly man

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