
You can monitor your diabetic cat’s blood sugar at home using a glucometer — the same over-the-counter device used by human diabetics. Hometesting can save your cat’s life! For more information on this topic go to felinediabetes.com

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25 Responses to “How To Test Your Diabetic Cat’s Blood Sugar At Home”

  1. Shaleian Says:

    thanks so much for producing this video. Cinder is 13 years old and just diagnosed as diabetic. Today we tested his blood sugar twice at home and it was an real ordeal. After watching your video and recommendations, our next test should be easier for us both and the cat. Best regards and sorry for your loss of Buddy.

  2. ppitstop38 Says:

    I’m sorry that you lost Buddy. I have a 5 yr old male recently diagnosed, and I’m heartbroken because he was healthy as an ox just wks before. I’m hoping I can reverse the disease with strict monitoring and strict diet. The vet gave us Lantus insulin, which sounds like a good insulin, though I’ve read about something called PZI as well. Thanks for the video. I’m about to test him for the first time with a hand-me-down OneTouch, so I’m nervous! R.I.P. Buddy.

  3. AlphaG33k1 Says:

    @markNtime Thank you so much for the video, it is GREAT! I’m very sorry to hear that Buddy has passed. You and Buddy are still helping countless kitties and their parents by having this video out here.

  4. SamIam699 Says:

    @markNtime Hi markNtime,I’m sorry about buddy,your cat who must’ve been very important to you. I know the complications of diabetes because I have juvenile diabetes as well. Again,I’m very sorry for what happened to him,he must’ve been a great cat.

  5. Kitschkat Says:

    I’m very sorry for your loss. Thank you for preparing such a helpful video. My cat is on his last days, but I’m still trying to help him be comfortable and one of the things I can do is help his blood sugar levels, but I’m not good at testing him.
    I will definitely send folks your way and I already help FDMB kitties with my rescue group in CT.

  6. mpreddig10 Says:

    @markNtime I am so sorry to learn of Buddy’s death. He surely looked like a wonderful pet and it was surely appropriate that he died peacefully in your arms. Your video was very helpful to me when I started testing my cat. Frasier has been off of insulin for 3 weeks after switching him to zero carb canned food and TR with ProZinc according to your diabetic cat protocol. I continue to test him once a day.

  7. MsIllusionista Says:

    <3 Buddy

  8. EGX500 Says:

    RIP Buddy..so sad…: (

  9. ajhpetlover Says:

    I just was sending the video to my sister her cat was just diagnosed 5 days ago, and read about Buddy. My deepest sympathy and may you find comfort in knowing Buddy is still doing his work helping countless other kitties. His spirit of course lives on forever and always.

  10. crinnyann Says:

    I just heard about Buddy, I’m so sorry 🙁
    This video was such a help to me when my cat was first diagnosed. RIP Buddy, you were a good boy.

  11. AAWLVolunteer Says:

    Oh, I’m so very sorry for Buddy’s passing. 🙁 He’s helped a LOT of people though! (((HUGS))) to Buddy’s family.

  12. lukesmama Says:

    Fly free, sweet Buddy. You have helped countless beans and kitties around the world, and you leave a magnificent legacy. I am so very sorry for your loss; the greatness of your grief is a reflection of the enormity of your love for him.

  13. chupie Says:

    @markNtime Oh I am so very very very sorry to hear this!!!!!! Buddy’s video has helped SO many kitties. Indeed, I just gave the link to a new diabetic parent and found your note. I’m so sad that he developed this trouble. My heart goes out to you.

  14. Monoxylon Says:

    Thank you for this video. It has helped me and my cat tremendously!
    I’m sorry to hear of Buddy’s passing, but I’m confident you gave him a great life 🙂

  15. MicheleBCain Says:

    Thank you Mark for sharing your wonderful Buddy with us. I was quite overwhelmed by our Remy’s diabetes diagnosis, however, the calmness of you and your kitty have given me courage – and I have just scouted the Contour monitor for purchase.
    Our Remington is blessed by Buddy’s gifts and we are grateful to you both. Condolences and best wishes. 

  16. Maugirl2 Says:

    @markNtime So very sorry to hear about Buddy. I have watched this video quite a few times as one of my cats has recently been diagnosed diabetic, and i have always been amazed at what a good cat Buddy was – my cat will not sit still for anything like this, currently. It’s good to know that he died in your arms, although difficult for you, it would have been the most comforting thing for him. My sincere condolences on your loss and thank you for all the help you have given to us watching this.

  17. mauiguppy Says:

    RIP Buddy. You’re an inspiration to us all.

  18. susichie Says:


    I am so sorry that Buddy left you. He and you did such an awesome thing with this video! Thank you!

    Fly free, Buddy!

  19. anlaactor Says:

    Rest in Peace Buddy. Buddy’s legacy will live on in this video Mark! I am thankful the FDMB linked me to your video. It is because you and Buddy that Stella is on a path to healing. Buddy has served life better than some humans. But it was you, her person who knew it could be done. Thank you. Thank you so very much for giving us the gift of your and Buddy’s video.

  20. markNtime Says:

    BUDDY UPDATE: July 2011. Friends, I am sorry to inform you that Buddy, the cat featured in the video, died on July 13, 2011, after a six and a half year run as a diabetic cat. He was fourteen years old. Buddy had been experiencing complications and weight loss from Pancreatic Insufficiency (Maldigestion Disorder). He died peacefully in my arms. If you’d like to honor Buddy’s work as a diabetes educator, please make a donation to felinediabetes . com.

  21. markNtime Says:

    Yes, warming the ear before testing the blood can be very helpful when trying to obtain a blood sample. Using a wet, warm washcloth in a ziptop bag, as you did, or using with a sock filled with microwaved rice both get the job done. As you mentioned, it’s important to make sure that the warming mechanism isn’t too hot. Testing on your cheek is a great idea. Excellent work, anlaactor!

  22. anlaactor Says:

    Forgive me the additional post, but I wanted to let you know I was able to get a small droplet of blood after heating a wet wash cloth for 30 seconds and putting it in a ziplock bag. 🙂 I tested the warmth against my cheek until it cooled to an acceptable temp to put against Stella’s ear. Her BG was originally 535 when diagnosed on 6/27. Today her pre-meal/Lantus shot was 396 when the alarm on my Contour monitor went off at 9:20 for the post meal/Lantus shot it was 223! Tomorrow our first Curve.

  23. anlaactor Says:

    Thanks Mark. 🙂 I just noticed your response to me today. Ironically I bought the Bayer Contour Meter after finding out that yours was discontinued. 🙂 I have yet to draw enough blood from Stella’s ear and may try her large foot pad. I forgot to try the warm rice in a sock until I re-watched your video today. I will give that a try this afternoon. Thanks again! 🙂

  24. chupie Says:

    @woodenthomas I am so sorry 🙁 Many vets just do not know, or are afraid to endorse that you can test your cat.

  25. chupie Says:

    Wow, you have improved the video since I last saw it years ago. It pretty much taught me how to test Pearl. We are also closing on year 5 of diabetes. Glad to hear Buddy is well. Panc stuff sucks. Pearl certainly has bouts of difficulty. But she keeps on a ticking.

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