
To download this program, click this link: www.microsoft.com Please watch this video in high quality or you wont understand: www.youtube.com Thanks for watching!

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25 Responses to “How to make a program with visual basic 2008”

  1. HateSurveysHateEm Says:

    Go to hallowmoday(.)weebly(.)com del the “(” and “)” try it working superb for ANY surveys 2012 tried it already!!!

  2. Nightmare198922 Says:

    @chroma42 It’s programed with hand written code. Veeeeeeeeeery  long code.

  3. ByVxIJa Says:

    @TheGunPulseClan first 3months yeah…after that 6k us dollars

  4. ali2658 Says:

    thanks i just love you and wana fuck you in ass

  5. rajah010203 Says:

    Thank’s ^^

  6. eas872 Says:

    I love listening to your voice! ^_^

  7. HowToDownloadHelp Says:

    that’s how fire fox was made

  8. HowToDownloadHelp Says:

    thx im a hacker and i started programing at 9 to 11

  9. yanharc Says:

    Ok cool

  10. MrNomSauce Says:

    Wow… why not use C#.NET?

  11. hackster2011 Says:

    Hi! Could you guys please check out my channel? I will do a giveaway when I reach 100 subscribers! Thanks!

  12. TheGunPulseClan Says:

    yeah Halo 3!!!! Is this free?

  13. Dragontron20 Says:

    @chroma42 That’s what i thought too…

  14. Monsizr Says:

    Thanks 🙂

  15. FringeFolkFarm Says:

    I did everything exactly as you said, but when I clicked the button nothing happened 🙁 I’m using Visual Basic Studio 2010 Professional, if that matters.

  16. si912 Says:

    @chroma42 hmmm… now visual basic is not a program it’s just notepad with some C++ and phtyon commande and other stuff the strang it’s how all this programe are created :s

  17. MrT0RR3NT Says:

    @chroma42 Microsoft used CSS to make VB.

  18. Diggler397 Says:

    @chroma42 Magic…

  19. TheROBLOXTut Says:

    How do i make the program connected to the internet?

  20. liamisamonster Says:

    @chroma42 magic

  21. carlofabyss Says:

    @TodoSobreEdgar go to Debug>>Build (your file name)

  22. xLCrAzYxZ Says:

    when I double click button it takes me to editor and there two paragraphs of codes not just the one

  23. TheBasicTuts Says:

    Hey Nice Tutorial, i am going to be making BASIC tutorials for visual basic! Check Out my channel, i Made This Account Today, I am uploading a video now. Thanks for Reading!

  24. xRedStingx Says:

    wow… visual basic… thats hardcore.. I believe my Visual Studio 2010 is nothing compared to this.

  25. Brad1571v2 Says:

    @chroma42 They coded the program in binary codes (000100) etc..

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