
Help I’m Alive by Metric

Author : Betting on Profit

At the behest of the powers that be, the download link has been removed.

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23 Responses to “Help I’m Alive by Metric”

  1. paulapunto22 Says:

    .ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅​|̲̅̅=­­­­­̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı. Download this video as MP3 with uGet, site: uget .in

  2. ablove726 Says:

    i love this song lolz

  3. OnCallParty Says:

    That’s a HUGE Bitch! *take it back to the circus!*

  4. bubbah671 Says:

    emily or fiest or both?

  5. rorropastel Says:

    hahaah i just heard this song on a surf video on tv, i thought the same.

  6. TwirlRound Says:

    This song goes best with a zombie apocalypse.
    Admit it, it totally does.

  7. woodyyawant Says:

    WHY THE FUCK HAVE I NEVER HEARD THIS BAND BEFORE 2 MINUTES AGO?! I was watching some stupid scooter promo video, and this song is playing in the background. All I could think was “MY GOD THAT IS CATCHY!”

  8. Sirogi17 Says:

    Guns are for cowards! - Defendor.

  9. DanielzMadClowny Says:

    it’s her collar

  10. donovan3955 Says:

    It’s so fucking stimulating when a woman says “gonna eat me alive?”

  11. 1969theblack Says:

    I heard this song at the end of the movie defendor and loved it with in two seconds.

  12. 1969theblack Says:

    no people her hair is just wrapped around her collar.love this song

  13. siverstarz Says:

    I came here from Divergent.
    Anyone Else???

  14. MsChicka96 Says:

    Fucking amazing song! 😛

  15. SethHesio Says:

    ha! That’s weird

  16. Heresy43 Says:

    it’s her jacket’s collar

  17. YouLOKAtube Says:

    a topcomment where I FOUDN THE @name :DD YEAAAHH !

  18. kimberly62395 Says:

    Omg, I used to listen to this all the time, and remembered it recently because I was talking about this music project I used it for and I’m so happy I found it!

  19. thewolfmanx Says:

    her hair is coming out of the wall, and u can see it curves:p

  20. thewolfmanx Says:

    holy crap! Ive seen this so many times and never noticed!! well spotted!
    She must’ve been photoshopped in…

  21. RogueMosquito1 Says:

    LOL i feel so sorry for JokerInMee, now he has all of these people replying his smart ass comment.

  22. Guineveire Says:

    The sad thing is you guys are still talking about her fucking collar…
    Now I am too.
    Just shut up and enjoy the music.

  23. trungtuanle Says:

    That’s her collar popped out and it has the same color as the wall lol

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