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25 Responses to “Guardian Cub Companion: Cute Pet? or Legal Gold Buying?”

  1. GreatVgnc Says:

    wow just go on one of those sites and get 20k gold for like $40

  2. tailjack Says:

    u are gay i can hear it

  3. Afroxec Says:

    @TheHaloRoom rofl ur a faggot!

  4. TheHaloRoom Says:

    @Afroxec I think it’s that time of the month again isn’t for you?

  5. Afroxec Says:

    @TheHaloRoom UR A FAG! with ur tranny “wife” faggot!

  6. TheHaloRoom Says:

    @Afroxec Tarou? He has a wife and kids. Troll…

  7. Afroxec Says:

    Wow u need a gf! Fags

  8. lintonthepenguin Says:

    @jonnycasino13 You’re what’s called a Blizzard apologetic. You come up with any excuse to defend what they do.

    So here’s my take on the affair.
    Yes, it’s better, if you’re going to buy it, to get it in a means that doesn’t involve labour and account hacking like a lot of gold farming companies.
    However, this legitamises it by making it easy and risk-free, so people who before wouldn’t have bought gold now will. It degrades the credibility of the game.
    However, you can’t

  9. xLooNeyHD Says:

    i got 15k for my cub pretty good tbh loll

  10. jonnycasino13 Says:

    A lot of you are missing the bigger picture of what Blizzard are doing. They are taking a stab at the billion dollar “gray market” of third-party gold selling in an EFFORT to promote human rights and civil labor laws. By taking away the demand from buying gold from illegal work practices.

    You can’t stop third-party gold selling, but you can kill competition buy providing a legit option [that doesn’t involve child labor and/or illegal prison work].

  11. jonnycasino13 Says:

    A lot of you are missing the bigger picture of what Blizzard are doing. They are taking a stab at the billion dollar “gray market” of third-party gold selling in an EFFORT to promote human rights and civil labor laws. By taking away the demand from buying gold from illegal work practices.

    You can’t stop third-party gold selling, but you can kill competition buy providing a legit option.

  12. cfwbdude Says:

    the pet to buy will be on a short time span in AH, so no worries there.

  13. TheVekNilashGoblin Says:

    rofl…who the hell cares u dont even need gold in WoW u get gear of raids/vp/vp/pvp i hardly ever buy BoEs only on low level alts people are over reacting about this…

  14. kineskasper Says:


  15. dielawnz Says:

    you will only get 500g for 10$? what kind of rip off server is that LOL!

  16. manhanz123 Says:

    i think blizz is trying to stop the chinese gold farms like this

  17. HeroicBIOSHOCK Says:

    you can trade gold for real money in Diablo? if so dont get a job Tarou just play Diablo

  18. sabbalo Says:

    @Coewen no, thats completely wrong

  19. TheDruidProductions Says:

    @Coewen to hang out, but i quitted when blizz nerfed all the raids and got contact with my guild via free chat programs…

  20. EbonGaming Says:

    @Coewen The game is about having fun, if he has fun making gold let him.

  21. axel31495 Says:

    You will be like top 10 richest people in the world after 1 year of IRL money auction house xD

  22. Nightball12 Says:

    @langhalsen Blizz kinda fixed that, there’s such a large margin of rare items that even though there will be chinese farmers a normal player might be abble to get something so rare the chinese might only have 1. Which makes the competetion like zero.

  23. Putteprinsen001 Says:

    This is effin awesome! Another steo against the Gold Hackers!!!

  24. TheCodFatherPro Says:

    @Hampsterboy420 They are already dead… :(

  25. langhalsen Says:

    @iZaaPaa He can’t compete with the chinese goldsellers. Also the stuff you sell isn’t like in WoW, you sell weapons / gear which means ryutaro have kill mobs to find some rare stuff to sell. This means that we all have the same amount of chance to get valuable stuff.

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