
GTA San Andreas – Inside Track Betting

Author : Betting on Profit

9.890.160 U$ horse nº5

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23 Responses to “GTA San Andreas – Inside Track Betting”

  1. Boeing77793 Says:

    Niceee, I won 180mill from literally a few hundred on the track betting on S.A

  2. Cornwiggle Says:

    I fucking hate having to tap the button 1000 times to max out my bet every damn time. So annoying.

  3. xdextreme7 Says:

    get a safehouse near by and safe your progress then go back and bet all your money and eventually you’ll become stinking rich like me

  4. poundersful Says:


  5. THEROW1 Says:


  6. THEROW1 Says:

    u idiot, u believed him. lol. xD just pick the green horse. lol.

  7. Wolfss2 Says:

    I don´t know how to win. I´m tired of loose money this way :/

  8. Jpjetsfan Says:

    GO BABY GO BABY GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. MegaBYSON Says:

    r you shore mashing the x botton works?

  10. gamerman54 Says:

    This is simple to win you simply mash the A button on Xbox or X on PS2 idk what it is on PC but anyway if you mash the button your horse will move way faster and you will always win.

  11. zeuqzavaj Says:

    yes you save before each attempt but you mash X firmly and as quickly as you can and pause the race when you feel the forearm cramp coming on. the tedium is the long process of entering the $9.9million(max) bet. at 12 to 1 a handsome return. it should help you win more often than just a lucky win occasionally by not doing anything but normal play. cradle controller behind your knee, rest your opposite hand finger gingerly on the other control button to stop and rest. fail and just reload try it

  12. zwalla Says:

    obviously coz the most u can put on is 10mill

  13. iCalvin96 Says:

    just save. bet all your money on the horse you like and when you lose load the game. when you win save the game repeat the process

  14. iCalvin96 Says:

    what liar do you even play gta?

  15. zwalla Says:


  16. zwalla Says:


  17. cedevil12 Says:

    Where is the track? please respond! thanks.

  18. dghgjjgdf Says:

    i lost 500 million dollars on the green horse

  19. jianh1989 Says:

    what is the trick behind?

  20. her53 Says:

    wat r u suppose to do……cuz i always lose….

  21. Shahenshah3000 Says:

    I always bet 20 million

    and win like 200 million

  22. ChizzoAdrian Says:

    you are lucky 😉

  23. kingnuts07 Says:

    LOL :)

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