ABC’s George Stephanopoulos wastes no time in ambushing Ron Paul – and old Ron kindly responds with his psycho talk to make himself look like a kook burger, on the first day he announces his presidential bid. Old Ron also has a Charlie Sheen moment and says hes “winning” (with 0.05% of the vote) – after George ridicules him for betting with him that he would win last time around. Target: 0.06% of the vote, 0.01% better than what he did last time around. Maybe get psycho friend Peter Schiff and his robot dolls to do a dance for you on national TV to pull some votes?FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

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25 Responses to “George Stephanopoulos Blasts Ron Paul To Smithereens As He Announces Presidential Candidacy”

  1. wvu05 Says:

    Have you ever noticed that Ron Paul always sounds shocked when he talks? I think that is his subconscious saying, “Did I really just say that?”

  2. Cheapshot420420 Says:

    lol hes got rich old white man disease.

  3. spruceshark Says:

    Seems like Ron wants to cry and scream in utter frustation at times… this guy sure can keep his cool

  4. MrGuvnah Says:

    @SchittReport lol cool story bro

  5. grimywise Says:

    1:11 is kinda strange.. just had to slip a pic of osama in there.. prob some attempt at subliminal association.

  6. bandcreator28 Says:

    I think the military would be sent in still during natural disasters. its just that fema would be disbanded. 

  7. pimpinspartan Says:

    @JumpnEvolution indeed we must stop him before he hands the country over to Sauron

  8. carlo88moe Says:

    @SchittReport lol, I LOVE YOU schittreport! haha

  9. CI9TK Says:

    @theliberterian While I agree with your sentiment, it was only 3 elections ago when George Bush was considered a “nice guy” when he wasn’t if you cared to dig. It is nice to hear some of what Ron Paul says but his reality disagrees with his statements. Download his plan, check his Military spending.
    The FREE market has been decimating us since Reagan began “cutting Gov’t”. Look at nations where our clothing is now made. Sweatshops rule, human “rights” are a joke. It’s a corporate wet dream.

  10. chop98 Says:

    The only way this system continues is by “people” voting for a given candidate. Ron Paul is also part of this system. He is the other “out” by the elite. The answer is simple. Withdraw your voter registration card and do not vote for any of them. By voting, you are giving consent to these “s-elected” entities that have not one care for your best interests. Let’s see if RP withdraws from the race after raising millions again. This system is not for men and women. It’s for a corporation.

  11. FredrickVonShwinkel Says:

    Haha. George said he had 10 seconds to answer that last question and he took 37.

  12. 40joel Says:

    @FreeTheWorker You’re right. We need to make government bigger and give America an entitlement mentality.

  13. Ryukikon Says:

    How should the Satanist be dealt with, and then who would you pick that is not a statanist?

  14. JumpnEvolution Says:

    I guess wrong paul has charmed the idiots with the sweet talking.He’s a satanist that is being groomed to take over the usa and continue the satanic agenda.They the zionist/jesuit/satanist’s must be stopped and dealt with.

  15. FreeTheWorker Says:

    I would love to be enthusiastic about Ron Paul, but I can not support social Darwinism. I agree on nearly 70% of what he says, but I don’t agree with this every man for himself got mine fuck you mentality he promotes. In a society where no one has job security, where workers are a disposable commodity, where most of us have no possible way to save up for our retirement, we can’t afford social darwinism.

  16. StunnedByStupidity Says:

    Libertarians push for you to be freely exploited by the rich…

  17. kylebossify Says:

    you have the right to your opinion but, christ…calm the fuck down

  18. thekidofva Says:

    @GnomesAmok “we don’t have a true democracy”

    (post fixed)

  19. joey95es Says:

    crazy fool, he thinks if you attack and harass people incessantly for years they won’t like you… bah…

  20. KaizenSoul Says:

    I know why Ron paul interupts people and bullies them to let him finish talking but i still dont like it. It shows an inability to comprimise with sometimes common sense, i dont like that however i like Ron Pauls direction and thinking, I hope he is the Republican Candidate and i hope the nation puts his crazy loon ideas to vote against Obama in 2012

  21. TheSonorama21 Says:

    and leaving it up to states to outlaw things like abortion, marriage equality… wonder what texas would look like if we let them decide who gets the electric chair.

  22. jjjbot1 Says:

    Stephanopoulos was much more civil in this interview than he was in the 2008 version. Lucky for RP, Stephanopoulos only has lint and a few FRNs in his pockets. It’s encouraging that Stephanopoulos didn’t offer the same bet this time around.

  23. GnomesAmok Says:

    “We don’t have democracy” hang this old fool

  24. YewTube2025 Says:


    You are so right! Old people are dumb and only stupid people use the internet a lot. Why would anyone want to study Free Market Economics? That’s an old person idea for senile people who don’t understand what benefits come from the government controlling all of the economy.

  25. paullie6719 Says:

    @SchittReport Yea some “crazy libertarian” positions like stopping the wars, balancing the budget and ending deficit spending, ending government monopolies on education, currency, medicine, etc., bankster bailouts.

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