
FUNNY Angry Dogs!

Author : Betting on Profit

these dogs dont like when people watch them eat!

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25 Responses to “FUNNY Angry Dogs!”

  1. neighborhaber Says:

    Watch my Golden Doodle play with his “Golden Noodle” at neighborhaber on youTube

  2. DragonFighter1133 Says:

    haha 0:02 what was the bobbing of the head on the one dog? hahahah funny as ever

  3. TheMachin333 Says:

    serach “dog guards his mince pie”

  4. aselyuil Says:


  5. assassin030300 Says:

    Lol wtf he is trying to bite the dog in the face!


    WTF why was he trying to bite the air

  7. alexcookie212 Says:

    hes not angry hes happy dont you see him smiling?? (:

  8. 2alankelly Says:

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha thats funny

  9. sachicoon Says:

    Like hell I’d put up with this crap with my dogs.

  10. codisepic100 Says:

    My dog does that to i tap him on the head and he stops

  11. Raiigen Says:

    Can’t you see it was trying to bite the ninja that suddenly crossed its path?!? What a faithful watchdog! Ninjas can be cunning, but dayum that dog was quick!

  12. alan180sx Says:

    Thumbs up if you feel like kicking it across the room

  13. GrellHunterOfLove Says:

    O__O””” Holy Crap, Batman….

  14. natsumi555 Says:

    @FastLifeInc maybe is a samoyed or a Spitz … find it on net. 🙂

  15. hannah74306 Says:

    @Shadowtrooper09  i know something is not right with the dog its not a stable dog its got anger troubles its behavor its scary to me i would not go near that dog

  16. FastLifeInc Says:

    What kind of dog is that????? I have one just like that but i dunno what kind of breed it is. Some1 tell me

  17. Reason2die43 Says:

    Wtf??!!??!!? Errr 8(

  18. amzzhorsemad10 Says:

    Vampire Dawg!

  19. alipazagaful Says:

    and that’s why i have cats.

  20. hannah74306 Says:

    holly crap

  21. hannah74306 Says:

    @vestpow holly crap that dog is posesed ior somethng isnt right im trying to not be scared but i would not want to be near that dog but its funny and scary at the same time

  22. Aleque Says:

    loool it’s so adorable and cute I want to eat it alive

  23. itsmejimjones1931 Says:

    I think thats the dog that was talking to David Berkowitz

  24. sweetcocoa12ab1 Says:

    Say cheese,

  25. DamianBrantleyfan Says:

    Okay…Who gave those dogs some Red Bull?

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