
Oct 7, 2009 10am, Chinatown San Francisco. This fight occurred on the Muni Stockton route (the 9 i think) just before the stockton tunnel. As you can see, a simple argument about seat-hogging quickly turned into a full blown brawl. It’s pretty clear who threw the first punch, you can see the bus’ serial number, and the exact time in the video. By the way, this is the same bus where I was attacked 3 weeks ago, so I thought documenting the event was the most important thing I could do. This fight was NOT reported by the driver OR by the MUNI person who happened to be at the final stop (Stockton and Sutter). I’ll be walking to work for a while. ©2009, All Rights Reserved.

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24 Responses to “Fight on SF Muni Bus in Chinatown (annotated)”

  1. HermioneAngel19 Says:

    @kiastar67 connect a comment. We are communicating though youtube comments. It isn’t rocket science. It does make sense. Idiot.

  2. HonestAnonymousUSA Says:

    Typical beastly African American inbred who has no self-control, sense of respect & is probably on drugs. 1 fare ≠ 2 seats yet the inbred had to hog public property intended for all. In Europe, Britain & even Africa, African people are much more civilized. Here, these violent beasts are openly irritability & always on the verge of exploding even for mediocre things. The unjustifiably irritable bitch got what she was looking for & deserved, some common sense & dose of reality decked into her.

  3. HermioneAngel19 Says:

    @kiastar67 no one cares about your opinion. Shut up and stop commenting. I am sick of seeing notifications from a useless person like you. Oh and how could I have 2 accounts? I have one email address. Just shut up.

  4. jpole18 Says:

    @kiastar67 Something is seriously wrong with you. You joke around about rape and suicide. You should shut up before you get even more people mad. That is not something you joke about. You are classless and pathetic. You have no friends and that is why. It is your immature personality. I advise that you stop writing to me and just quit now. Go read a book.

  5. kiastar67 Says:

    So it seems @jpole18 JUST joined the same day, Mar 7, 2012, that they made this comment to me. The age is the same as @HermioneAngel19 I and hell, it IS @HermioneAngel19 I . Sweety, you are so pitiful and desperate to make a new Youtube account to make it seem you have friends on your side. Bwahhhhhhhhhhh, might want to check out TOR next time you try to fool people who have black hats as friends. This is your life, huh? Oi vey you are sad.

  6. kiastar67 Says:

    @HermioneAngel19 Oh and if you are going to act like the Spelling Nazi, I suggest you learn to spell incest, not insest. Your use of “You better ” is also incorrect in formal diction. In writing and in formal speech, the expression is “you had better” or less formal “you’d better” You said, “What psychological would connect a comment” which makes NO sense sweetheart. You must be so damn mad.I suggest you go,with your little friend, and grow the hell up. This is the Internet. Get real.

  7. kiastar67 Says:

    @HermioneAngel19 I hit a nerve huh? Yes, we know you are such a classy girl and have no culpability in your own posts. LOL. Coming to Youtube to tell everyone that watches the same video as you that they are classless and uneducated.It reeks of desperation to convince yourself that you are classy and smart,as you repeat it time and again. Threats are so cute you classy hooker but your true colors are showing.I see you got your little friend to comment.That is SOOOO classy” now fuck on off.

  8. kiastar67 Says:

    @jpole18 hey Hermiones friend.*waves at you* Your agenda is showing. Nothing is wrong with my grammar Hermiones buddy and I did NOT make fun of rape,never would. Now, get back to kissing Hermiones ass you rube. You are as clueless as hermonie.Losers always point incessantly to invisible grammar mistakes and lie as you and she seem to do (or you ARE her on another account) Stop lying and being a petulant child.

  9. jpole18 Says:

    @kiastar67 ew. What is wrong with you? Your grammar sucks. And it is horrible to make fun of suicide and rape. You are such a bitch.

  10. HermioneAngel19 Says:

    @kiastar67 you are disgusting. You joke around about suicide and insest and rape. You better shut your mouth before you get a ton of people on here angry. I highly doubt your ‘Psychologist friend’ even read my post. I doubt you even have friends. What psychological would connect a comment on youtube to sexual abuse? That’s against their ethical principals. Stop. You are just making a fool of yourself.

  11. kiastar67 Says:

    @HermioneAngel19 LOl-yes, please do call Dignatas. You are a waste of a human being. If you are so anal retentive you point to others few typos as”spelling errors or grammar’ you are useless.My physiologist friend read through your post and wanted to know if it was a late night sneaky uncle or your daddy who damaged you so. Now, sweety. get a life.WE are still laughing so hard at your mindless post. You are beyond help. Fun to LOL at! Educated and classy?WAKE UP!

  12. HermioneAngel19 Says:

    @kiastar67 There is nothing wrong with what I post. There is a ton wrong with what you post. You do not know know how to type or spell. You are an idiot! You need to go back to school. I am educated and classy. You are not. Look at how you cuss and how you encourage random people to commit suicide. You need some help.

  13. kiastar67 Says:

    @HermioneAngel19 Sweety, MY diction is fine as someone already pointed out.they also stated that U do not make sense.You just repeat the same tired old thing time and time again. It is kinda obvious you really want people to see you as very educated and “classy.” That is usually done when one feels they lack in an area.Your need to falsely say I don;t make sense & have bad diction does not change reality…that nothing is wrong with what I post but the fact that U do not agree.

  14. BerryCherry007 Says:

    OMG man I love that asian woman so funny maybe now that other lady will think twice before running her mouth lol she thought she could beat up that asian lady. cant wait to show my asian and black friends this hahaah

  15. HermioneAngel19 Says:

    @kiastar67 I hope you know that most of your diction does not make any sense. How many times must I say this. Go to school. You poked fun at me for reading books. And just looking at your diction and spelling mistakes just shows us all why we SHOULD read. You are an example.

  16. Fesal505 Says:

    @ MaskedTehGamer

  17. Fesal505 Says:

    MaskedTehGamer fuck you and fuck all amarican and all christain my name is fesal from saudi arabia …

  18. kiastar67 Says:

    @HermioneAngel19 Same old same old every time. Goddess you are droll and provincial. Your post are becoming stagnant and puerile. Come on. You can’t still use this “you can’t type or speak”proper English as I have never spoken to you. I type horrible and hen peck and like most make typos but my word usage and grammar is fine.People use your fallacy type retort when they really have nothing to come back with of substance. You are just as base and human as the rest of us.UNCLENCH

  19. kiastar67 Says:

    @Mitchie2001 Ya, I am manipulating her for laughs and posting it on another site.I told her as much.She came on claiming that you and I are sick low class people for coming to watch this video but she came for “purer” reason. She has a choice not to post to me as I have to her.All she does is claim how I have all these grammar mistakes and the like and never points them out. Sorry if it upset you, I am, but she is too funny to pass up and she chooses to be an ass and post. 🙂

  20. Mitchie2001 Says:

    @HermionieAngel19 you make no sense its not cussing its cursing get it right honey oh and hermioney angel 19 you are not the only only

  21. Mitchie2001 Says:

    @kiastar why are you manipulating her on purpouse you are being a rude mean person it doesn’t matter who knows better punctuation mabey I have bad spelling you guys are being immature by fighting online like this just fix it and don’t be mean to each other!

  22. HermioneAngel19 Says:

    @kiastar67 and you still do not know how to type or speak proper English. You seem to be about 13 or 14 years old. DO me a favor. Please. Stay in school. Go to school. Maybe that will turn you into someone who can actually come up with something worth talking about. Idiot.

  23. kiastar67 Says:

    @HermioneAngel19 LOL-you still yappin? Same old same old nonsense with you.You STILL can’t use punctuation properly while going off about others typos. Typical delusional behavior straight out of the DSM-IV-TR.You really haven’t seen the thread on you or you wouldn’t be feeding it.You are a hit(and a joke) Keep giving us great material to laugh at. You are really social inept,huh? Try Hemlock tea. It will make you feel better! LULZ@U for months now.

  24. MaskedTehGamer Says:


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